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Problem Solving – You Dig…

  • 6 min read

_86151558_istock_000024638881_largePeople often find themselves drawn to a standstill by some problem or problems they cannot find a way to overcome. These are the deep issues in life that have no quick fix or simple remedy. People unknowingly end up struggling with these issues for years and years, sometimes over a lifetime. Underneath every obstacle that ever confronted you and boasted of its impenetrability lies some error in thinking or believing or action. You can’t easily spot it because it has been craftily buried outside your awareness then layered and layered with other errors in your logic and heart. Thus true problem solving requires removing the wrong thoughts and wrong beliefs, one shovelful at a time, you dig? (pun intended…)

The root of this human dilemma is your enemy, the devil. He is a real thing. The reason people don’t believe he exists is because he’s done an excellent job convincing people he doesn’t exist. He is breathtakingly cunning and crafty and in competition with your human logic you are no match for him. For him, human beings are easy to defeat because they try to apply natural knowledge to overcome supernatural problems. They say things like, “there is no evil” or “evil only exists in your mind” or “things are only evil because you’ve made them so,” all the while getting their asses handed to them by the same one deftly concealing himself. He runs a tight operation using former angels that fell to completely screw up and ruin people. He is the author of all that crap that you can neither understand nor explain. He is anarchy, confusion, discomfort, fear and dread. He is every problem you have ever struggled with and the reason for every wrong, hurtful thing that ever happened to you! Yet, he can be defeated, and if you are going to be successful in life, must be defeated, one thought, one decision, one action at a time.

How could you ever hope to remove error while you remain unaware of what is error? Error is simply the wrong way to do something. Error is riding the bike with the crooked handlebars for so long that you accustom yourself to their crookedness. And eventually, if you practice error long enough, start to believe that the crooked is actually straight. Error is 1+1+1 not equaling 3. Error is cause and effect where the cause is always hidden.  Error is the poison in the flower that concealed it. Error is the alluring bait with a hook in it, that you won’t discover until you are already on the line. Error is always some compromise on the truth, some absence of truth or some twist on the truth. Error makes you miss the target! Error is darkness that is only overcome by light, one spark, one sheen, one glimmer at a time.

The sunshine of a man’s soul is the truth of God’s Word, which is the only source of light sufficient enough to cut through the bullshit and get to any real remedy. The rest will consist only of a mental masturbation never leading to anything substantial, ever leading to more and more darkness and confusion and loss. God’s Word, the Bible tells you how to think and as such is without error because its Author is without error. The logic of light cannot be defeated with illogic as its Creator, Light, sees through every scheme, every shenanigan, every misstep, sidestep and step back. Thus the logic of God’s Word is the only thing that will work successfully against your spiritual opponent. It is the light sufficient for you to see so you can dig, so you can remove, so you can rebuild on rock and not on more sand.

People were never designed to function as free agents, living their lives according to their own rules and on their own terms. The design for people included the great freedom to choose for themselves in every conceivable way after being presented with the choices. Conjuring up rules as you go or following the rules your parents taught you by their parents who taught them and their parents who taught them, leads inescapably to defeat. Making up your own mind by using only your own mind about what is good and what is evil is as insane as jumping off a building because you decided you wouldn’t get hurt! Gravity preexisted your thought processes. God gave you free will so that you could choose Him, not have to choose Him. He presents you with a way to live abundantly if you choose to live that way, not because you have to live that way. God even has to let you walk down those slippery slopes to your own demise when you are bound and determined to do it, but remains ready in an instant to save you should you earnestly request it!

Can’t you see it? God wants to help you solve your problems. He wants to help you take out the trash from your head, one bag at a time. He wants you to find a better way where there is no fear, no anxiety, no trepidation about living. He wants you to finally understand that your big problems are easy for Him to solve and that He will turn you on to the answers when you come to Him, with empty shovels in hand. He wants to rescue you and deliver you from that evil despot that has been running roughshod over your life and heart! He is willing! Are you?

Those gigantic obstacles to living, those great mountains of defeat, those solid walls of despair that have been built into your heart may be removed, one chisel, one rock, one brick at a time. You might not destroy the structure overnight, but you can tear them all down if you will persist. How you got there doesn’t matter. What matters is whether or not you are going to stay there. We have all zigged when we should have zagged, so stand up tall, throw your shoulder’s back and get what you’ve got coming to you!

Get your problems solved, you dig?

Just some good thoughts…


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