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Why am I so Tired?

  • 6 min read

6-medical-reasons-why-you-might-be-feeling-tired-all-the-time-136425477714502601-180228094029If you are like the rest of us, there are times in your life when you feel perpetually tired and worn out. Often we attribute these feelings to not getting enough sleep or maybe because we are getting older. But, what if there is another reason for those pervasive feelings of fatigue? What if there is a hidden cause you have never even considered before? Are you weary with it all? Then, keep reading!

All of us have a finite amount of energy that we utilize throughout a day. And though we probably have more energy than we realize, we all experience weariness at times. That weariness manifests itself in a lack of zest for life and steals away our ability to solve our problems, ending in frustration and defeat. Our difficulty lies in not understanding the source of our vexation.

All of us compete day by day in the great competition of life. This competition takes place in our minds; specifically in our thoughts. The trial confronting us all lies in a battle between good and evil. It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a Muslim or an unbeliever, the reality is that if you are alive, you are in the contest. An adamant disbelief in spiritual powers doesn’t take away those powers, it simply leaves you as prey unable to defend yourself appropriately. The contest rages on. Every day and every moment of the day, you have a choice concerning which thoughts you will entertain and which thoughts you will discard. Failure to discard the wrong thoughts, thoughts originating in evil, however subtle they may be, consume your energy rendering you worn out and unable to resist.

The effect of your thoughts on your life is perhaps the most misunderstood thing in the world. Thoughts are not just chemical reactions taking place in your brain, but are in fact the very basis of the life you live, be it bliss or be it misery. Your thoughts form the foundation of your beliefs which in turn produce the reality you are experiencing. Good thoughts, good life. Bad thoughts, bad life. That’s not to say that good thoughts are ignorance or refusal to acknowledge the difficulties of life, but rather deliberate decisions we make regardless of the difficulties, the trials, the challenges. All men are confronted, pushed and prodded, at times with great severity. But in order to prevail, you have to fight back! Failure to fight back and confront the evil, or worse to ignore it or refuse to acknowledge it, will lead ultimately to your eventual demise. There are few things more critical to your success than your thought life.

Spending the day entertaining thoughts of negativity, sour or should I say soured attitudes; cynicism and the like, serve only to suck away your valuable life source. They are carnivorous cancers eating up all they encounter. They are sandpaper in your machinery eventually grinding your life to a halt. Have you ever noticed how much life slows down while you are engulfed in worry over some negative possibility? Sadly, we all live in a world drowning in fear of the next terrible thing that might enter into our lives. Whether it be a disease or loss of income or some unexpected catastrophe, all of us find ourselves threatened day in and day out. Yet somehow we fail to recognize these slights to our existence and continue on as if it is normal. “That’s just the way it is” they say; “That’s just how life works!” Thus I submit to you it is not the way life works! It is an aberration of life.  It is a deformity. It is the unfortunate outcome of a world ignorant of spiritual realties.

Your requirement in the competition, should you decide to start competing, is to take control of your thoughts with the emphasis being “your thoughts.” You have to make the decision to stop entertaining all the nonsense that surrounds you. You must stop accepting the notion that life is already fixed with you powerless to change the outcome. This will take a great toll on your ego and your insistence that you already know, but do it you must. The consideration of evil, in whatever form it assaults you, will invariably deplete your energy, rendering you worn out and unable to fight back. How could you hope to fight back after already accepting the lie? You are defeated before you begin. You are tied to the corners of the ring with your opponent free to bash your face in. Instead, by controlling your thoughts, or at minimum endeavoring to control your thoughts, you are taking away the means of access to your heart the enemy has long since enjoyed. You are saying that life is not all the disaster you’ve been convinced of and that there is a better way. You are demanding your energy and your power back!

There is no human alive that completely gives up on themselves but that they’ve first endured a long fight that has totally worn them out. Human beings are resilient and need simply an opportunity to get back up and get back into the fight. This is your opportunity. Learn for yourself what are “good” thoughts and then learn how to compete. Your victory will come about more by what you refuse to think about than what you do actually think about. Spiritual contests can only be won by spiritual prowess which means engendering the good in order to beat the bad. Your human ability is no match for your opponent, but once you begin to act in the manner which God advises, you will find not only your energy, but unlimited power at your disposal!

Are you tired, my friend? Why not get tired of being defeated and learn how to compete? You are worth that, aren’t you?

I love you…

Just some “good” thoughts…


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