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Enjoy the Journey

  • 7 min read

journeyIt seems we often miss out on so much life because we are driven by the need for accomplishments. While not unique to our American culture, putting all of our focus and attention on reaching some end leaves a lot of time in between. The time in between is actually our life. In order to reap the full benefits of our limited days on Earth, it behooves us to learn how to capture the remainder of those moments. I also have fallen prey at times to living for the weekend or the next vacation. But, that severely limits our enjoyments and denies the potential that exists in every single day. God invented life to be lived in the only moment that exists for us; the moment called “now.” That’s not to say we should do away with accomplishment or our ideals, but rather that we learn how to enjoy the journey along the way. Are you enjoying the journey?

One of the most misunderstood principles in living a successful life is the ability to remain in the moment. We either postpone our lives waiting for some future day or else we waste our lives living in moments long past. When we are faced with some challenging potential outcome that exists in the future we give away our happiness and our peace in dread towards that day. We foolishly fill our minds with thoughts and fears that cannot possibly influence that outcome. Accordingly, there are many dangers and hazards involved with living life, but how many effects can be altered by our scattered and fearful thoughts? God has given us the capacity to handle what the day brings, but not the ability to handle what the future days may bring. For this reason He says, “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Some things that assault us and can make our lives miserable are not within our control at all. We do not change the outcome by excessive thinking and worries. We change the outcome by what it is that we believe. And what we believe is built in the day by day thinking that eventually leads to our hearts. Our only quest and our only responsibility is to win the day at hand.

Living in the moment and the moment alone requires a certain amount of discipline. It is not easy to remain focused on the day at hand. Interestingly and maybe sadly, it often takes some pending doom or threat to our existence before we begin to cherish the moments of our lives and the people in it. I guess that is what is meant by the saying, “live each day as if it is your last.” But, who wants to think it might be their last day? Yet, the principle has some merit. We don’t need some terrible medical report or life threatening event to force our focus onto the things that really matter. What we need simply is a change of focus that we have decided upon and not according to something else. We have been led about and groomed by fear for so long that we think it is the only true motivator. But, the problem with fear motivation is that it originates outside of us and as such does not work in accordance with our own best interests. Living in the moment is a decision we can make absent any fear of the future. Living in the moment is a willingness to take on the day at hand and let God take care of all the rest. Honestly, we may as well believe God to take care of it as we cannot control it anyway. You will not and cannot enjoy your life while you are harboring fear of any kind. In order to enjoy your journey you have to be willing to turn things over to someone else; Someone that can impact the future.

The day by day enjoyment of life, the only way to really enjoy the journey, is to cease your endless attempts at self preservation and to turn your life over to God. Turning your life over to God does not mean to enter into a life filled with religious codes and dogmas. It is not some weird aberration of life where suddenly all enjoyments are to be forsaken for some greater so-called good. Instead it is to acknowledge that there is Someone greater than you in power and ability who is ever willing to help you where you need help most. It is a developed humility whereby you are willing to recognize just how weak and impotent you are to control your own life. In a perfect world absent opposing evil forces, there would be no actual threat. But that is not the world we live in today. In this world you will face opposition and even at times grossly unfair actions pointed in your direction. In your humanity alone you are no match for these opposing forces. But, with God’s help you can prevail against them. Surely you have lived long enough by now to be very clear about what you can and cannot control. You have had your share of difficulties and in some cases more than your fair share of difficulties, as if there was a “fair share.” You know how quickly things can go south. Why not be honest and just admit what you can and cannot do. Then you are approaching the right track. Then, you are getting that much closer to being able to enjoy your journey.

Enjoyment of your journey called life is God’s will for your life. He wants you to enjoy yourself and live in happiness, joy and peace. But in order for you to do so requires that you learn of Him. You have to become willing to let go of all of your theories and techniques and turn to the One who invented life. Then your journey will not just involve you and your sagas, but Him who is the solution to all that ever went wrong. Your life journey was never meant to be conducted alone. Instead your life journey was meant to be lived in the day, in the moment called now with Him. How much is there to still learn about life? How much variety and endless discovery exists with Him? How much joy and peace and love is available to you right now in the moments you are in? Truly you can live the life you have always wanted to live no matter where you have been up to this point. You can discover a richness, a vitality and excitement for living you have never experienced before if you will just allow it to happen. And, you allow it to happen by deciding to reach upwards instead of inward. Enjoy your life today. Appreciate what you have already been given. Be grateful for what you do have. Make your goals, believe in your ideals, but do not try to do it alone. You enjoy your life with Him. Are you enjoying your life? I sure hope so…

Just some good thoughts.

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