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The Great Paradox!

  • 6 min read

You know, some folks spend their whole life looking for something that never arrives. “When I finally get that part done I can enjoy my life!” They seek happy circumstances and pleasantness but it never seems to show up. They wish for another place, another climate, another house, another job, meanwhile disliking what they already have. Their heart yearns to be more free or maybe just free to begin with. They would honestly pay any amount of money to find what they are missing and travel any distance to come across it, never realizing they held the key to everything they ever wanted all along. They just never understood the great paradox!

When it comes to finding happiness all inclusive, people spend most of their time waiting for it to arrive, for the stars to align, to spot a sign or any other indicator before ever realizing their dreams. They have wrongly concluded that dreams just come true somehow somewhere when you least expect it. Or maybe there is a mythical ship waiting to come in or any other metaphor that portrays happiness as something that arrives one day if you are patient enough. They base their feelings on the circumstances that are as opposed to those that could be. The circumstance they are in has become the truth for them. It seems unchangeable and immovable. It is always yelling no when their heart cries yes. It is the cart before the horse and equally as impossible. It is not how life was designed. It’s all ass backwards. Just think this through a little bit. Applying this logic would seem to indicate the circumstances just appear out of nowhere. Like we are in a massive simulation designed by someone who has already picked out all of the choices. It’s a preplanned fantasy world and you are just a player in the game. Insane I recognize, but that is how people think. As if you have a predetermined fate… Again, predetermined by whom and how did you get such a crappy one? Could that be plausible to you? I hope not. Instead the game, if you will, is set with absolute fairness and absolute choice. We all have the same limitations or lack thereof. We decide. We get to choose. We get to make the moves. We can change circumstances completely if we so desire. It doesn’t come down to learning a rigged game where the dice are always loaded. It comes down to learning the great paradox where you determine how your life turns out by what it is you believe.

I call it a paradox because it seems as if it just cannot be. It seems to defy logic, but really it defies error. The error being that the circumstances determine what is and that you and I are powerless to change it. The only true power in the human mind is the power or ability to decide. Make a decision! Stop waiting for something to arrive. Cease postponing your life. And for goodness sakes, stop believing the circumstances. You cannot directly change a circumstance, but you can alter future circumstances indirectly. You alter your future (read that again), by believing something different. You DECIDE to change your limitations; the ones that have been telling you what you can and cannot have. You decide to become healthy or get healed. That game you have been playing is in reality a cruel trick. It’s cruel because the more you believe your current circumstances, the more they will persist. It is like you are encouraging your own misery by continuing in the wrong line of thought. You have become stuck looking at what is (apparently) and not moving towards what you really want. You have to move there in your mind first, then just like the sun will come up tomorrow, you will find yourself in better circumstances. You don’t have to figure out ‘how’ you will get what you want. You only need to figure out what you want and hold onto it (like your life dends upon it…because it really does). But, the good news is that you have always had the ability to decide what you will and will not believe. And what you believe is what you will receive in your life precisely. Your current circumstances, be they uncongenial (thanks James Allen), are nothing more than a current picture of your past beliefs. If they are delightful or if they suck, it is really on you. You weren’t operating in a vacuum, but you were surely adding limits where limits did not exist. So when you know better you do better, I heard. You can understand the great paradox and work with it.

I think if you’re honest it really wouldn’t make sense to come up with this grand idea about having human beings on the earth, endowing them with free will and the power to decide, yet not give them any choices or worse place them in the middle of a game where the winners have already been selected. That is not how God rolls. Instead he placed you on this earth functioning in a giant classroom whereby you could learn how to best enjoy this life in preparation for a life that would never end. His desire was that you would eventually seek Him out and discover Him. And, he set the system up where believing equals receiving and then gave you the free will ability to believe what you wanted to believe. Don’t you see how powerful that is? You get to choose. You have always been able to choose. Your are not stuck in a negative life cycle, you are stuck in a negative thought cycle. Then, sadly, your negative thoughts form your negative beliefs and you receive the fruit of those negative beliefs in your circumstances. You don’t have what you so desperately want because you don’t yet believe you can have it. In fact, it would shock you if you got it. What I am telling you is very real and you have but to put it into operation. Design something new that works for you instead of settling for what appears. This is no paradox, this is your life. But, if you can understand the great paradox, you can live the life you’ve always dreamed was possible. I know you want it!

Just some good thoughts.

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