Going It Alone?
I’m not sure if it has dawned on you at this juncture in your life, but this whole living thing is pretty complex. I mean it has lots of parts
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I’m not sure if it has dawned on you at this juncture in your life, but this whole living thing is pretty complex. I mean it has lots of parts
If I asked you if you were winning the fight? What would you say? When it comes to living the best life, there is really only one important fight you
When I was a youngster living in the state of Maine, the radio announcer would say, Potatoes, problems and people, that’s the name of the game here in Maine.” Not
You know, some folks spend their whole life looking for something that never arrives. “When I finally get that part done I can enjoy my life!” They seek happy circumstances
Now you know as the world’s foremost purveyor of the importance of thought, albeit self disclosed, the topic of thought has always intrigued me. It is literally the difference between
Enjoy your life. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your life. What could be more unusual than having a life and not enjoying it! What sinister events occurred in secret managing to
Do you remember when you were young and people told you to look on the bright side? No, not the Monty Python version. It was these deep pithy sayings that
These are certainly some turbulent times we find ourselves in. There’s this manufactured divide with walls and beliefs and all or nothing logic; where if you are one thing you