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…Yeah, but why?

  • 5 min read

It’s almost that time of the year when you are going to make your New Year’s resolutions. But, before you write that fanciful wish list, give this a little thought… Notice how many “goals” on your list are the exact same things you had on there last year and the year before and the year before. So logically,… 

Living in the Sun…

  • 5 min read

Fall in Utah is perhaps my favorite time of the year. The sun is shining, but unlike the summer, the sun is sort of lowering and producing shadows. The grass looks greener, the mountains look more brown, everything just looks so wonderful! Bliss… So, I’ve learned over the years that God often teaches us valuable lessons in… 

Dead Battery? Jump Start Your Life!

  • 6 min read

Nowadays it’s all about having enough energy. There are energy drinks, energy shots and 5 Hour Energy available at all of your neighborhood 7 -Elevens! The promise of giving you more energy is a billion dollar business. So that naturally begs the question, why are we all so dang tired? I mean really? What happens throughout… 

Learn to Believe…Again

  • 6 min read

One of the greatest principles in all of life is that of believing!  What you believe is what you receive in life with an exactness and precision that is breathtakingly accurate. Believing forms the foundation of who you are; your level of success; your health; your happiness, everything!  Yet how many of us really understand… 

Damned If You Do…?

  • 6 min read

My grandsons were at the house this past weekend enjoying a good romp and mess making opportunity (goes with the territory!).  Two year-old Tristan, formerly playing quietly with the iPad on the couch, suddenly launched it onto to the floor!  So I said, “Hey Tristan, you can’t throw the iPad on the floor!  You are… 

Get Your Money Right, Kid!!!

  • 5 min read

It’s amazing to me how much we depend on money in our culture and how little attention we actually place on obtaining it.  I know the cliché, “Money doesn’t buy you happiness,” but I strongly suspect the one who coined it, didn’t have it (smile).  In fact, I’m willing to bet that most anti-money slogans…