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Learning Happiness…

  • 6 min read

The human mind is truly a fascinating thing, isn’t it?  Our brains have all this capacity to process information, classify, categorize and the like.  We can store information; retrieve memories and even combine multiple ideas to form new conclusions.  Yet with all of this unlimited mental technology at our fingertips, what do we do?  We… 

The NyQuil Night Night Syndrome…

  • 5 min read

I had an interesting revelation the other day.  I started getting a cold (inherited from my grandson, who inherited it from daycare) and happened to be going away on a business trip to California.  Kind of bad timing I think, but I sought to minimize its effects by purchasing a killer NyQuil, DayQuil combo package.  You take the… 

The Generation that Forgot How to Think…

  • 7 min read

Having recently survived an election season, one thing has become alarmingly clear, our generation has forgotten how to think for themselves.  Sure, we are still thinking, but how much are we thinking for ourselves?  Lest you get defensive, allow me to explain what I mean.  With the advent of the media machine, social networking and 350 cable… 

Fear…the Silent Killer

  • 7 min read

In our frenetic world today, people have lost sight of the core essence of what it means to be a thinking, human being.  We run from this activity to that activity; we have never-ending “to do” lists; we are so so busy with our requirements, that we rarely have time to sit down and consider what is driving… 

Why Are You So Dang Busy?

  • 5 min read

Good question, right?  Everyone is so busy nowadays…  And, if you don’t appear too busy, they assume something is not quite right with you.  Have you ever stopped to ponder why we are so busy?  Busy, busy, busy; no time for anything!  Is it good to be that busy?  Does busy mean we are getting things… 

Obstacles, Hurdles, Hold-backs…and How to Overcome Them!

  • 6 min read

If you’ve spent any amount of time on Earth, you realize that there are things out there that hold you back.  The things you really, really want in your life don’t come easily.  It seems the more you want something, the greater the obstacles that stand in the way of you receiving it.  So, how… 

I’m Depressed…Weed Brains

  • 6 min read

Probably not what you were thinking, but maybe…  I haven’t been able to weed the flower beds for about 3 weeks now and I found them completely overrun with weeds.  I don’t mean a “pull some dandelions business,” I mean more weeds per square inch than flowers.  Morning Glory, which aint so glorious are surrounding… 

Relax your mind…

  • 6 min read

The family was in town from Kansas City and Denver for the bi-annual family reunion.  So, I decided before everyone came to Utah that I was going to spend the time thinking of nothing else but my family and that I was going to be fully present and enjoy every moment we had together.  I…