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God is Good Only…

  • 5 min read

There is a universal falsehood circling the globe that purports God sometimes does bad things to people. The whole idea behind “living right” is this notion, albeit false notion, that God sometimes punishes people for wrong doing. Some folks say that when you have been blessed, God could somehow take it back. It’s like people… 

Do You Obey?

  • 5 min read

Nothing can make you bristle like the “O” word. I pose this question tonight, not because I am seeking to find you out, but rather so you can find out. Often when believer types think of obedience, their minds turn straight to obeying the rules, known as the commandments. In a general sense they sort… 

Just Grace…

  • 8 min read

What I’m going to share with you tonight will lead you to a lifetime of freedom, if you want it. Just grace. As simple as that. For a word we use so often in our lives, you would think we would understand it more. We say grace before a meal. We offer grace in our… 

Vacation Mind…

  • 6 min read

Have you ever gone on a vacation? First you eagerly anticipate it, then you dream about what you are going to do when you get there. Finally vacation time begins. What is the first thing you do? You turn on your vacation mindset! All required tasks to be completed, put on hold. All stress and… 

Good Feelings Come From Good Thoughts…

  • 6 min read

The above title may appear intuitive and certainly not worthy of a blog. However, I would have to disagree in that there appears to be a dearth of people actually making the connection. People spend the day engaged in dark, negative thoughts and then report feeling depressed. Folks run all manner of fearful considerations through… 

Life is a Journey…

  • 7 min read

I think it is important to understand that life is a journey. Each one of us is on a grand journey of discovery. We have been given one short life to enjoy now and part of that joy comes from the experience of living. None of us have perfected it or maybe not even come… 

Get Out of Your Own Head!

  • 8 min read

As I look back at past posts, I see the above topic resurfacing again and again. It’s certainly good advice for all of us. First, to clarify, getting out of your own head does not mean to cease from thinking nor does it mean to leave your body nor any other weird, hooky pooky stuff.… 

Is Truth Relative?

  • 8 min read

Is truth relative? Many people, in an attempt to be inclusive perhaps, conclude that what is true for you might not be true for me and the reverse. But, can something that is true actually be not true? Does truth depend upon the circumstances or conditions? Would something that is inherently true possibly be not… 

The Oddity of Being Human…

  • 6 min read

We human beings are an interesting lot. We come from the factory with certain designs and plans built into us. We have these fantastic minds that house information and are capable of thinking thoughts. We are able to interact with the world through our five senses. We have free will to choose for ourselves and… 

Respect Yourself!

  • 6 min read

If you have read any of my blogs then you know I’m a big proponent for self-love and treating yourself like someone you love. It seems the saddest state of affairs occurs when people get to the place where they don’t love themselves anymore or live amidst the constant din of negative self-judgments and disapproval.…