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Beat Down…by Your Own Thoughts?

  • 6 min read

   Recently I find myself fascinated by a book called, “The Power of Habits” by Charles Duhigg.  In the book, Duhigg talks about how we develop habits.  At first when we are after some reward, our brains are alive with activity as we process how to find the way to get a desired result.  But,… 

Never Used…But Learning to Aim!

  • 6 min read

  I find it disturbing when I read comments from members of various religious groups advising people to allow the Holy Spirit to use them; or ask God to use them to fulfill His purposes in life.  Call me crazy, but the prospect of someone or something using me is downright scary!  Submitting to God, I… 

The Family Room of your Mind…

  • 6 min read

When I think of a family room, I picture a warm inviting place.  The couch and love seat have large cushions and beckon you to lounge awhile.  There’s a fireplace flickering and sending out its heat.  The whole place is filled with family, all relaxed and feeling free to be themselves.  Sure there are occasional arguments and differences of… 

Stumbling in the Dark…

  • 6 min read

  Not too long ago we came home kind of late following a get together with some close friends.  We had partaken of some beverages and it was sort of late.  My wife went to bed before me and I waited while fulfilling an attack of the munchies that besieged me.  Went I finally sauntered into… 

Learning Happiness…

  • 6 min read

The human mind is truly a fascinating thing, isn’t it?  Our brains have all this capacity to process information, classify, categorize and the like.  We can store information; retrieve memories and even combine multiple ideas to form new conclusions.  Yet with all of this unlimited mental technology at our fingertips, what do we do?  We… 

The NyQuil Night Night Syndrome…

  • 5 min read

I had an interesting revelation the other day.  I started getting a cold (inherited from my grandson, who inherited it from daycare) and happened to be going away on a business trip to California.  Kind of bad timing I think, but I sought to minimize its effects by purchasing a killer NyQuil, DayQuil combo package.  You take the… 

  • 1 min read

Hmm I think so..

The Perpetual Stomach Ache of the Restless Mind…

  • 6 min read

    Have you ever visited the digestive aids aisle at Walgreen’s?  Man, there’s more stuff for your stomach than almost any other ailment, except cold medicine, but that’s another blog.  Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, upset stomach, constipation and on and on it goes.  (Oh Mylanta!)  Sure, we eat weird foods nowadays but John…