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Let Go and Let God

  • 7 min read

Sometimes you have done everything you know to do to solve a problem in your life without any success. You have invested a tremendous amount of effort. You have analyzed the situation from every possible angle. In fact, you have reached the end of your human capacity to overcome the situation and you find yourself,… 

Life Lessons

  • 7 min read

It may not have occurred to you before, but life is a learning adventure. We have this life that we may experience and grow and learn and more often than we may think, unlearn. Living life each day affords us almost endless opportunities to learn new things. Our learning is certainly not confined to childhood.… 

Are You Blessed?

  • 8 min read

I think of all the questions in the world that you could ask a person, none quite holds the significance as the one above; are you blessed? Blessed at its core generally refers to the blessings that people receive from God. Accordingly, many people claim to be blessed and perhaps, rightly so. Some folks are… 

The Pitfalls of Passivity…

  • 7 min read

By nature I am a very passive person. Often I would rather go along to get along. I don’t seek out drama and do my best to avoid confrontations and discord. However, I have learned there is another side to being passive. While you might be successful in avoiding the uncomfortable side of life, you… 

Helter Skelter

  • 8 min read

Have you ever found yourself in a mental state of complete disarray? Your thoughts are racing all over the place and you can’t seem to settle down. Your troubles and your worries appear to have joined forces to bring you into a state of confusion. Many people live this way every day. They have become… 

What Makes You Cry?

  • 6 min read

Lately I find myself intrigued to discover why certain things make us cry or at a minimum tear up. I’m not talking about sad feelings or our response to sad events. I’m talking about that inexplicable feeling you get when you witness a certain scene in a movie or a commercial and something inside of… 

Hearing God’s Voice…

  • 7 min read

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to hear God’s voice. It is not incredulous to me that God would speak to His people who have a spirit connection with Him. Nor is it beyond the realm of possibility that God would actually want to communicate with His children. I guess there… 

Believing God…

  • 7 min read

As a believer it has been my personal experience over the years that anything that places the focus back on me instead of on God is usually suspect. That’s not to say that I have no responsibility for anything, but rather so-called requirements on my part tend to take me away from and not closer… 

The Birthday Blog!

  • 8 min read

As I rejoice in making another rotation around the sun, I thought it time to share some life lessons that have impacted me the most. The older I get the more it becomes apparent that life really boils down to two great motivating principles, love and fear. Within the realm of those polar opposite anchors,… 

The Constant Need to Do Better…

  • 9 min read

Have you ever thought about how many people in the world find themselves constantly plagued with the need to do better? You can’t go very far without hearing someone explain how they need to get better in some category of life. Sure it seems honorable and like the right thing to do, but is it?…