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God is Good Only…

  • 5 min read

There is a universal falsehood circling the globe that purports God sometimes does bad things to people. The whole idea behind “living right” is this notion, albeit false notion, that God sometimes punishes people for wrong doing. Some folks say that when you have been blessed, God could somehow take it back. It’s like people are walking a fine line in an attempt to stay on God’s good side as if He had a bad side. Even the “good” things people do are often motivated by fear; fear God will allow something bad to happen to them. All of this angst and living in bondage could be quickly eliminated if people only knew that God is only good always.

Much of the confusion behind this topic comes from a misunderstanding of certain expressions in the Bible and idioms that portray God as actually doing something to people that He really didn’t do. Some of the error has been propounded by preachers bent on controlling their parishioners with fear. Instead of teaching folks about God’s love, they focus in on an angry, wrathful God ready to dole out misfortune on the next unsuspecting victim. Finally, the basis for all error in doctrine can be found by man’s lack of understanding of the Bible. He doesn’t read it. When he does read it, he can’t understand it. In his ignorance, he seeks to apply rules intended for a certain time to all times. He, like many, cannot believe that God could actually be only good, always.

The best way to discover the nature of God is to let Him explain for Himself. His Word says, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” He doesn’t have a dark side. He has no evil in Him. His motive is always love because He is love. The one selling you a contrary story is the devil, albeit indirectly. Remember, the greatest trick the devil ever did was to convince the world he did not exist. And, logically, if you can get rid of the devil, someone has to be responsible for all of that calamity and misfortune and disasters and hardships. Can you even imagine how hard life would be if we had no protection or safety in God and that sometimes He would make our lives miserable? If that was God’s will, no amount of praying could change it. But, it is not God’s will. God not only wants you to know who He is, but also to know who is your real enemy. Ignorance concerning him is your problem. Every negative, dastardly, evil thing that ever happened to you or the people you love came from him, masquerading as someone else. Besides to screw your life up and keep you in mental bondage, his objective is to keep you away from the One that loves you the most. He encourages doubts about God’s character and seeks to drive a perpetual wedge between you and Him. I mean, who do you go to for help if God is behind that difficulty? How whimsical. How erroneous. How sad. I’m guessing you do a better job of loving your kids than that insane model. Surely you have endless forgiveness. Definitely you have much patience. Undoubtedly you have the capacity for mercy when it’s needed. Yet when it comes to God, you think He might do less. God is good only.

God seeks to be your greatest ally. He knows you and He loves you. But, He can’t make you stop believing things that aren’t true. Oh, He can open your eyes to the deception, but only if you want Him to do it. To combat this and because He knows the crafty nature of our enemy, He gave us His Word. In His Word, He explains exactly who He is and points out in much detail why and how we can come to Him. He reports His mercy has no end point. He loves us unconditionally. He is the reason there is such a thing as love. He invented the concept. For this, you can come to Him with the things that are messing up your life. You can find healing. You can secure a fresh start; a thousand fresh starts. He promises to be whatever it is we need Him to be. But, we won’t seek Him out until we can be assured about who He is and trust Him. We will never trust Him as long as we are attributing evil to Him. He doesn’t hurt you and He will never hurt you. He already knows everything about you, so get that fear out of your head as well. He is not judging you. He knows your nature and He knows what you are up against. He is for you. He is always for you. He is a good God.

Now is the time to wisen up. I’m telling you the truth. Don’t allow yourself to be cut off from your only real source of help. No one could ever love you as much as God does. He seeks to make your crooked places straight. He wants you to know the score. He is everything you ever thought He might be before the world talked you out of it. He is God, He is love and He is only good always!

Just some good thoughts…

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