I think it is a fair assumption to say that we would all like some change for the better. We want better relationships, better incomes, better material things, better jobs, better health and so on. That’s not to say that we are unsatisfied or unthankful for what we have, but rather it seems the natural condition of man is such that he seeks improvement in his conditions. There will always be the potential to make something better, to enjoy better, to experience better. Yet we miss the mark in not recognizing that the better we seek is found first in our minds; in our thinking. If we do not change our thinking in some area we cannot expect to change the circumstances and conditions of our lives. We tend to believe that we live our lives from the outside in. That we live amidst perpetual changing conditions we must react and adjust to in some capacity. Living a reactionary life simply informs us that we haven’t taken any steps to affect the cause. And while some causes are outside of our control, much of which happens to us began in our thoughts. We habitually think thoughts that are not in our best interests. Our thoughts become our beliefs. Then, what we believe comes into manifestation in our lives, good or bad. Thus it is impossible to change any aspect of our lives without first changing our minds. Life changes when you change your mind.
All people think thoughts, many, many thoughts. We are thinking beings. Thinking and the ability to process thoughts is what separates us from the animal kingdom. We experience our lives through our thoughts. Yet very few people take it upon themselves to control their thoughts, let alone change those thoughts. It’s as if people think their thoughts sort of come and go as they please. In this many people are being led in terms of what to think. If you do not control your thoughts, then something else will control them for you. Allow me to clarify. Being passive in regard to your thought life will lead to your thoughts being directed by circumstances and conditions. It’s not that you are being actively controlled by something, but instead your passivity will lead to an expected default way to think. The world has been made into a negative place. We are surrounded by negatives on every turn. Negative thoughts lead to negative beliefs and negative beliefs leads to negative results in your life. Nothing will change or for that matter can change as long as you persist in your negative thought patterns. You have to actively change negative thought patterns into positive thought patterns. But, before you can change any thought patterns you have to become aware of what it is you are thinking about. You have to take yourself off auto pilot and think about what you are thinking about. This can be particularly difficult because of the habits of negative thoughts you have developed over time. If you think a wrong thought long enough it becomes very difficult to recognize, much less change. Yet if you want to change any aspect of your life for the better, that change has to begin in your mind. You have to learn how to think in terms of what you do want instead of what you do not want. Default thinking will naturally tend towards what you do not want because fear governs the world. Change requires a decision concerning what you will and will not think. Dwelling on the darkness will not bring forth the light. The reason this gives folks so much trouble is because they have been schooled to think a certain way. They react and draw negative conclusions rather than initiate or change those thoughts. They believe life already is what it is and that there is nothing they can do to change it. In reality, your life is what you make it to be and you make it by what you choose to think.
Just because you think something does not make your thoughts true. In this you need a standard for thoughts outside of yourself. You need to learn a better way to think. You have already experienced where your current thoughts have taken you. If you suffer from some limitation or lack in your life, chances are that is how you have been thinking about your situation. You don’t consistently expect good things in your life and receive bad things. It is impossible. We all have errors in our thinking. The error we hold on to and believe it what leads to negative results. Error is that which is wrong. Truth is that which is right and true. Until you learn what is true you will continue in error. That which is true is never wrong. That which is true can only produce good. So your task, your challenge is to learn what is true and think it as opposed to that which is error. Error is not hard to spot because it is always negative. You have to rid yourself of the error that has been governing your life. It has been governing your life because of A.) ignorance concerning it and B.) your failure to stop thinking it. You have to learn to start paying attention to your thoughts. What have you been thinking in relation to the areas where you struggle? What have you been telling yourself that is not true or backed up by that which is true? This may surprise you but you haven’t been preassigned certain challenges and troubles. Instead your troubles come indirectly by that which you persist in thinking. This is saying nothing more than, “if you think you can, you can” and, “if you don’t think you can then you can’t.” Either way you are deciding. Once you are cognizant of a wrong thought or wrong way to think, you have to change the thought or way of thinking. The change embodies a positive expectation over the default negative expectation. You don’t wait for the evidence first. You initiate the right thought. You think in terms of what you want instead of what you do not want. You persist in thinking in terms of what you want. You actively challenge those thoughts that are not what you want. You challenge them! You have to challenge the error. When you catch yourself thinking your negative default thoughts, you stop and challenge those thoughts by expressing what is true and positive over what is wrong and negative. You tell yourself something different. As you change your thoughts your life will begin to change.
Many people have failed to recognize the control God has given them over their lives by their failure to understand that their positive thoughts lead to their beliefs and that their positive beliefs lead to dramatic changes for the good over negative scenarios and circumstances. Similarly, many people have failed to recognize the connection between the negative events and circumstances in their lives and the errors of thought they are holding onto in their minds. In this we have both an element of control and the capacity to change our circumstances by changing our thoughts. Not paying attention to your thoughts or actively directing your thoughts is like being a log on the river destined to end up wherever the current takes you. You have to choose where you want to end up and how you will experience the journey along the way. You can change your life by changing your thoughts. Life changes when you change your mind.
Just some good thoughts…
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