I have been working with a close friend lately on a project that helps people to connect with what is most important in their lives. Part of that process involves figuring out your life’s purpose. That, my friends, is a very deep concept. I say deep because it requires you to peel away all of life’s distractions; all of life’s expectations and all of the things people say you should do contrary to your heart’s desires. We all get herded in with the masses at times and we all can easily get off track. Yet, each one of us is completely distinct and each one of us is completely unique. That being said, what is your life purpose? As you live your life, what things are the most impactful to you? What do you feel you were put on earth to do? Whether you have discovered it yet or not, you have a specific purpose on this earth. You have a job to do which only you can do. Accordingly, your life purpose cannot contradict those things you love to do; those things where time stands still while you are doing it. Your life purpose will always be something you are motivated to do and something that makes you that much better after you do it. Indeed, what is your life purpose?
I vividly recall at time when I was going through Christian leadership training with a group I was involved with at the time. Close to the end of the training, we had an adventure which culminated with a time spent alone with God in the wilderness to figure out our purpose or ministry for God. As I sat outside my shelter, I searched the heavens for a sign or something cool God was using to get my attention. I saw nothing. I experienced nothing except this pervasive urge to read a section of scripture in Isaiah 58. I must have read that section 50 times or more. I just could not get enough of it. A summary of what I read could be encapsulated in these words:
Sometime later we all got together for graduation and people were sharing about their experiences. People had some spectacular things to say and I felt like I must have missed it. I mean after-all, all I got was unusual urge to read a section of scripture. Then it dawned on me. This was my purpose in this life. To set people free from the chains of religious bondage and help restore unto them a joy for living. This purpose was exactly in line with who I am. For as long as I can remember, I always wanted people to be happy. I knew there was an enjoyment of life and a goodness out there behind the things we see. I would discover God a bit later in life, but I already knew what gave me the most joy. My life purpose does not contradict who I am. It did not require me to go through difficult changes or do things I didn’t enjoy. It didn’t feel like a sacrifice I had to make or any real discipline I had to master. Instead, it gave me a purpose, a job to do which I already loved to do. The same applies to your life purpose. The job you do will give you endless fulfillment and joy. Your life purpose may not be something written in the Bible as God is behind every aspect of life. Not everyone is called to minister to people. But every person is called to give some good things to other people. There is something you bring to this life that people need. There is an aspect of you, maybe undeveloped, that is your thing and when you do it, it makes people happy or inspires them or makes their day a little brighter. What is your life purpose? That which blesses you the most.
Your life purpose, though it feels like a heavy question, is really nothing more than what you personally bring to the table. What do you do well? What values do you have that for you are the most vital? What is very important to you? A life purpose isn’t necessarily a profession, but certainly could be. Haven’t you been inspired or changed by a song or a poem or a piece of artwork? That is an example of someone’s purpose benefiting you. So, how do you help benefit others? What do you give that you are always blessed to give? Maybe your life purpose is to serve others. Perhaps your life purpose is to make people laugh and forget their troubles for awhile. Don’t limit God. He knows who you are and He knows what you love most. Your life purpose will fit in there perfectly. Interestingly, your life purpose will always help other people in some capacity. There would be no real life purpose in serving yourself only. People need other people to fulfill some aspect of their life. Maybe that is you. Maybe someone needs to hear what you have to say or what you learned through your own trials. Perhaps there is an area of life you have mastered and you need to share it with other people. Don’t over complicate it by thinking it has to be lofty or supreme in some way. Helping people is not arranged by rankings of importance. One help is not above another help. You don’t have to be a world leader to change the world. All you have to do is give your thing and give it often. So, what is your thing?
Can you imagine how much better your life would be if you lived according to your purpose? If you spent most of your time giving what you do the best? There is so much more to life than just making a lot of money and grabbing at possessions. Nothing wrong with the possessions but what will make you the most happy? This is the question to answer in your own life. Once you get that straight, many things will fall into place for you. Otherwise you end up assembled with the masses following the court of public opinion, doing your best to fit in and conform, only to find yourself empty and unfulfilled. Your life purpose isn’t to do what other people say you should do. Nor is it to chase after the things other people are chasing after. Your life purpose will always compliment you, enhance you and fulfill you! Your life purpose is who you already are. So think about who you already are. What gives you joy and satisfaction? What makes your heart beat a little faster? What makes you the most happy? It is there you will find your purpose. Your unique life purpose is the uniqueness you already are. Figure out your life purpose.
The world will never help you discover your life purpose. Instead it will endeavor to fill your mind with endless distractions. It will convince you to live your life drifting along without any real thought or intention. It will seek to minimize what you have to offer and try to convince you that your purpose isn’t lofty enough or does not generate fame and fortune. Do not believe the hype! Give what you have to give without a second thought. As you do this, it will become more and more clear where you fit in and where you can have the most impact. You don’t have to consult with any other person but yourself. Yet don’t forget to check in with God who knows all. He knows what makes you tick and He knows who you can help.
Gaining clarity about your life purpose is not difficult or complex. You already know what makes you the happiest. Start there. Think about the things that are most important to you. Think about what you can give people that you already have to give. Consider what you value the most. In doing this you can discover and embrace your life purpose and take it to the limit. The world needs you. People need you. I need you. Discover your life purpose and give it out night and day. Give what you have to give. Figure out your life purpose today.
Just some good thoughts…
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