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answered prayers

The Pitfalls of Passivity…

  • 7 min read

By nature I am a very passive person. Often I would rather go along to get along. I don’t seek out drama and do my best to avoid confrontations and discord. However, I have learned there is another side to being passive. While you might be successful in avoiding the uncomfortable side of life, you… 

Stay Lit…

  • 6 min read

All people have difficulties, problems, setbacks. All people have been subjected to sickness, to chronic health issues, to pain. All people find themselves mentally challenged at times, lost, confused, bewildered and afraid. Yet despite all of the negatives we face in life, some folks find solutions, find answers, and overcome. Some people have learned how… 

Is It Working For You?

  • 9 min read

I often wonder, what’s the point of being a Christian if your life is just like everyone else’s life. I mean think about it. Surely there is a benefit, indeed many benefits to having a relationship with God and if there aren’t any tangible benefits, maybe we are doing something wrong. For many, it seems… 

Heaven’s Brass and Unanswered Prayers…

  • 6 min read

I was thinking today about how many people there are that pray for things and how many people don’t seem to get any results. I’m not talking about hopeful, casual utterances, I’m talking about sincere people with real needs who pray heartfelt prayers about vitally important issues. You know what I’m talking about, right? Heaven’s brass;…