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ask God

Just Ask…

  • 8 min read

Some many people are struggling with some aspect of their life and don’t know what to do about it. They have exhausted the bounds of their human reasoning and as such resign themselves to some difficult fate. Whether it be a physical malady or some grievous mental issue; ongoing relationship problems or just a lack… 

Life Lessons

  • 7 min read

It may not have occurred to you before, but life is a learning adventure. We have this life that we may experience and grow and learn and more often than we may think, unlearn. Living life each day affords us almost endless opportunities to learn new things. Our learning is certainly not confined to childhood.… 

Stop Running Away!

  • 8 min read

All of us have a fight or flight mechanism built into us as a function of our survival. This mechanism served to protect us from danger and to encourage our ability to procreate by producing progeny. When we sense danger our automatic reaction will be to either fight or run away. But, if you take… 

Stop the Bleeding…

  • 7 min read

As you are trekking along in your experience of life, have you ever gotten to the place where it feels like everything is going wrong? Try as you might, things just seem to keep moving from bad to worse. Bad news follows bad news and you’re desperate to stop the flow of wrong things; indeed… 

I Don’t Know…

  • 7 min read

The three most feared words (or four if you don’t like contractions) in the human vocabulary. God forbid we should ever have to utter these words as doing so would certainly yield a cataclysmic result. It seems to be the last thing ever a man or a woman wants to admit. Yet, in all fairness…