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be present

Be Where You Are.

  • 6 min read

As we all continue faithfully on in our quest for happiness, it becomes apparent that much of the happiness we do not enjoy is a result of not doing something properly or else rehearsing thinking errors or even making improper use of our time. Tonight, therefore, is all about time and how you use it.… 

Slow Down to the Speed of Life…

  • 6 min read

All of this social distancing and requirements to stay home have inadvertently provided us with some important clues about how we have been living our lives. Most of us are moving too damn fast. We have so many things to do, much of which are self-inflicted, too many obligations, too many commitments. We have been… 

Check Back In…

  • 6 min read

Many people living today aren’t quite living anymore. They’re sort of half in and half out. You can see it in their eyes, the revelation of their souls. Something has happened to damage their heart, not fatally, but enough to dim their glow and diminish their passion for being. They only half participate with life…