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The Great Paradox!

  • 6 min read

You know, some folks spend their whole life looking for something that never arrives. “When I finally get that part done I can enjoy my life!” They seek happy circumstances and pleasantness but it never seems to show up. They wish for another place, another climate, another house, another job, meanwhile disliking what they already… 

What are You Thinking?

  • 9 min read

Did you know that the answer to the question above has a monumental impact concerning how your life turns out? Human beings live and die right between their ears. What you think about and consider the most is what gets into your heart and from your heart proceed the issues of your life. Your heart… 

Believing God…

  • 7 min read

As a believer it has been my personal experience over the years that anything that places the focus back on me instead of on God is usually suspect. That’s not to say that I have no responsibility for anything, but rather so-called requirements on my part tend to take me away from and not closer… 

How to Get What You Want…

  • 6 min read

Have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is you want most out of your life? The question, so simple yet loaded, isn’t really as complicated as you might imagine. I often muse that it’s not that we don’t know what we want, but rather that we don’t want to admit what… 

Love the One You Is…

  • 6 min read

Some time ago I read a fantastic book called, “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. It’s one of those books that just gets you and you’re just not sure why. But, alas, she is the inspiration for this blog. Actually she is the inspiration for anyone suffering from an incessant need for outward approval,… 

Who Is Your God, Anyway?

  • 7 min read

As I live this life, I’m consistently faced with many things that cause me to scratch my head, but nothing perplexes me more than the believers who don’t believe. I should add, I recognize there are more viewpoints concerning God than there is sand on the seashore, but one common grain sticks out every time. People just do not… 

The Measure of a Man…

  • 6 min read

This is a story about your life. You know, the one you are living right now. It’s about where you’re at today. It’s about your successes and your failures. It’s about how much money you make and where you work. It touches on your relationships, your togetherness and your loneliness. It reaches into every facet… 

Heaven’s Brass and Unanswered Prayers…

  • 6 min read

I was thinking today about how many people there are that pray for things and how many people don’t seem to get any results. I’m not talking about hopeful, casual utterances, I’m talking about sincere people with real needs who pray heartfelt prayers about vitally important issues. You know what I’m talking about, right? Heaven’s brass;… 

The Quintessential, Ultimate, Irreplaceable, Transformative Fear Eliminator…

  • 5 min read

What if I told you there is one simple, surefire way to remove fear from your life? What if it was quintessential in its perfection? What if it represented the ultimate solution? What if it was irreplaceable in nature? What if it was so transformative that it would change your entire life? What the… Before…