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Look on the Bright Side.

  • 6 min read

Do you remember when you were young and people told you to look on the bright side? No, not the Monty Python version. It was these deep pithy sayings that carried a lot of weight. So much depth. So much meaning, yet forever lost in a young person’s mind. Those older folks were trying to… 

The Stories We Tell Ourselves…

  • 7 min read

What is reality? What is your reality? Is there a difference? It seems like the answer should be simple, right? Reality is often defined as, “the world or the state of things as they actually exist…” When we define our reality, it would seem plausible that my reality would be the same as your reality… 

What Do You Say to Yourself About Yourself?

  • 8 min read

As the author of, “Just Some Good Thoughts (nothing more, nothing less…)” I have always been fascinated with thoughts and the impact those thoughts have on our lives. Generally speaking, people are not taught much about the importance of controlling their thinking. And while we may not consciously think every thought that pops into our… 

My Life on a Perpetual Diet…

  • 9 min read

As I reflect back on my life over the past 20 years, I realize that I have been on a perpetual diet for that same 20 years. And incredulously, as my goal of being 15 pounds lighter continues to linger on the horizon, I also recognize the insanity of trying to lose the same 15… 

Change Your Mind!

  • 7 min read

Nothing changes until you change. The changes you really want and beg for and wish for and complain about and lament concerning, are not going to come about on their own. The circumstances of your life, be they what they are, are ultimately a production of your own mind and heart, played out in infinite… 

You Are Not a Victim!

  • 6 min read

When you get right down to it, all of us have had negative things happen in our lives. We have all been deceived at one time or another. We have all been taken advantage of in some capacity whether it be by the people who we love and trust or even outsiders like our bosses… 

Do Hard Things…

  • 6 min read

I think it sort of dawns on you over time that you have aspects of your life that need some revision. If you look up hedonistic in the dictionary, you may find a picture of me. Nobody likes to have a good time more than I do. But, sometimes with your good times you discover…