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The Good Life…

  • 5 min read

There’s something out there that all humans are after. It’s something often talked about but rarely found. It’s the inner heart desire of every person that draws breath. It’s a goal, an experience, a journey and a destination. It is the pursuit of all pursuits, the good life! If you’ve lived any amount of time, you… 

The Cart Before the Horse…

  • 5 min read

One of the great tragedies of life comes from confusing your cart and your horse. The world, which is not confused, has convinced you to put your cart before your proverbial horse. It does so by persuading you that your life just “is” and that you are simply responding to it. So, this is for all… 

Who’s Driving Your Bus?

  • 6 min read

In stark contrast to what you may have learned, you are not a victim in life. Sh*t doesn’t just happen! And, while it is so damn common today for everyone to preach, “Everything happens for a reason,” (which subtly implies the negatives that occur have some good purpose behind them) the truth is that everything does… 

Controlling Your Way to Happiness…

  • 5 min read

“Control” is generally considered a negative word. No-one wants to be controlled and when other people are controlling, it drives us nuts. But, what about controlling yourself? Can controlling yourself make you happy? To the human mind, less control seems to promote freedom, doesn’t it? Or does just the opposite occur? Recently I started a diet that… 

Stuck in Your Story?

  • 5 min read

You are presently starring in a melodrama whereby you are the leading actor. You own all creative rights to the story because you are the playwright. You are also the director demanding that every infinitesimal part of your story be portrayed in detailed accuracy. So the grand question is, does your story suck or is it awesome? Whether we ever realize… 

You Owe Yourself…Yourself!

  • 5 min read

Fear is always wrong and there’s no learning to live with it. It’s gonna get you. Your life is certainly worth settling the matter once and for all. It’s not “just life,” it’s death working by small imperceptible steps. It may not actually kill you today, but it will kill off your enthusiasm, your excitement, your joy! And, with those things missing, you aren’t really living anyway.

Living Your Reflection…

  • 5 min read

Here’s some food for thought… The life you are presently living is a direct reflection of your most dominant and habitual thinking. Read that again! Up to this point you may not have made this connection. Most folks don’t. Instead people think that life is happening to them and they are simply reacting to whatever life does… 

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much?

  • 6 min read

Admittedly, I have never been a fan of restrictions or anything that puts people under bondage.  I guess you could say I’m a liberal if liberal means “stop trying to live everyone else’s life and just do you!”  You know how annoying it is when you run into those people who insist on telling you…