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What Makes You Cry?

  • 6 min read

Lately I find myself intrigued to discover why certain things make us cry or at a minimum tear up. I’m not talking about sad feelings or our response to sad events. I’m talking about that inexplicable feeling you get when you witness a certain scene in a movie or a commercial and something inside of… 

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights…

  • 6 min read

Every day you spend in fear, in anxiety, bound to some potential, negative future outcome is a wasted day. Whenever your options for living are limited, reduced, paired down and minimized, you are being stolen from and subsequently your life is being wasted. Each new day is a glorious opportunity to live and experience and… 

Dealing With Your Feelings

  • 6 min read

It is peculiar to me that something that affects our life as much as our emotions do, would be the subject of greater education and study. It’s like we all grew up with this menagerie of feelings, yet seldom have we learned to understand what those myriad feelings are communicating to us. Most people, it… 

Buried Feelings…

  • 6 min read

As far as I can tell, projections you may put upon your pets aside, human beings are God’s only creatures that came from the factory equipped with feelings. That alone should have arrested our attention! Human beings have feelings and those feelings are vast and complex. There are more feelings than there are descriptions for…