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Your Happy Place…

  • 7 min read

This world can be a confusing place at times. Unlike the past, there are endless distractions all clamoring for our time and attention. We have the world at our fingertips with just a few strokes on the keyboard. We have unparalleled access to information and with that information comes a litany of requirements; things we… 

Your Ultimate Freedom…

  • 7 min read

Many years ago when some folks approached me about having a relationship with God, I bristled at the thought of living a religious life where my every action was studied and judged. I still feel that way today. It seemed like the advertised life with God was mostly centered on requirements and things I had… 

Hey Happiness, Where are You?

  • 7 min read

Happiness is probably the most sought after thing in the world. Thus, the sum of all questing can be found in successfully answering the one simple question, “Why am I not happy?” People attribute a myriad of reasons for not finding happiness ranging from not having enough money to not having the right relationship yet… 

Cleaning Out Your Closet…

  • 6 min read

The reason you stay stuck, mummified in the past, is because you choose to do it. You choose to hold onto the memory. The event, no matter what it was or how dreadful it was, exists only in your memory. The future terror you rehearse day after day exists only in your mind and will cease the moment you choose to make it cease! Clean your closet; make room in your closet; free up your closet to store the things of today.

Working Hard for God?

  • 6 min read

Have you ever seen the movie, “The End” with Burt Reynolds? There is a classic scene where Burt’s character , after numerous attempts at suicide, finds himself in a large body of water with little hope of being able to swim long enough to save himself! So, he makes several deals with God, attempting to encourage God…