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get God involved

Enjoy the Journey

  • 7 min read

It seems we often miss out on so much life because we are driven by the need for accomplishments. While not unique to our American culture, putting all of our focus and attention on reaching some end leaves a lot of time in between. The time in between is actually our life. In order to… 

Free Will…

  • 8 min read

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts of life involves free will. Free will is your innate ability to decide how you want to live your life. Free will is the freedom to choose for yourself. Every human being that has ever lived has been born with free will. God designed man (and even angels)… 

Tap into the Power!

  • 8 min read

In order to make anything significant happen in this life you need power. Without power or energized abilities people remain powerless to affect any needed change. There is no power of the mind though it is often proclaimed as true. Instead, this power is spiritual and it comes from God. The reason so many good… 

Your Thoughts to Energy Ratio

  • 7 min read

Thoughts, like anything living and real, have energy behind them. They carry within them an inherent vigor and vitality or a pervasive lethargy and drag. One philosopher put it this way, positive thoughts and emotions emit a higher frequency while negative thoughts and emotions produce a lower and slower frequency. One manner of thinking adds…