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Look on the Bright Side.

  • 6 min read

Do you remember when you were young and people told you to look on the bright side? No, not the Monty Python version. It was these deep pithy sayings that carried a lot of weight. So much depth. So much meaning, yet forever lost in a young person’s mind. Those older folks were trying to… 

Live Above It…

  • 5 min read

These are certainly some turbulent times we find ourselves in. There’s this manufactured divide with walls and beliefs and all or nothing logic; where if you are one thing you are ten things. It’s an odd time to be an American. It’s like you can see things going dreadfully south but there is nothing you… 

Be Where You Are.

  • 6 min read

As we all continue faithfully on in our quest for happiness, it becomes apparent that much of the happiness we do not enjoy is a result of not doing something properly or else rehearsing thinking errors or even making improper use of our time. Tonight, therefore, is all about time and how you use it.… 

2025 – A Year of Reconciliation!

  • 7 min read

The New Year is upon us and we enjoy that temporal landmark that offers the promise of making something better in our lives.And, if we are honest, we know it must be possible to reach the dreams we have set for ourselves. Inside, maybe deep inside, our heart tugs at us to make a change… 

Good Feelings Come From Good Thoughts…

  • 6 min read

The above title may appear intuitive and certainly not worthy of a blog. However, I would have to disagree in that there appears to be a dearth of people actually making the connection. People spend the day engaged in dark, negative thoughts and then report feeling depressed. Folks run all manner of fearful considerations through… 

Life is a Journey…

  • 7 min read

I think it is important to understand that life is a journey. Each one of us is on a grand journey of discovery. We have been given one short life to enjoy now and part of that joy comes from the experience of living. None of us have perfected it or maybe not even come… 

The Oddity of Being Human…

  • 6 min read

We human beings are an interesting lot. We come from the factory with certain designs and plans built into us. We have these fantastic minds that house information and are capable of thinking thoughts. We are able to interact with the world through our five senses. We have free will to choose for ourselves and… 

What Do You Say to Yourself About Yourself?

  • 8 min read

As the author of, “Just Some Good Thoughts (nothing more, nothing less…)” I have always been fascinated with thoughts and the impact those thoughts have on our lives. Generally speaking, people are not taught much about the importance of controlling their thinking. And while we may not consciously think every thought that pops into our… 

Consider Your Ways (Part Two)

  • 9 min read

About 7 years ago I wrote a blog by the same title. I began the blog with the important distinction that to consider your ways does not mean to pick yourself apart, nor does it mean to look for and find sin in your life. That seems to come quite naturally. In fact, if considering…