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The Generation that Forgot How to Think…

  • 7 min read

Having recently survived an election season, one thing has become alarmingly clear, our generation has forgotten how to think for themselves.  Sure, we are still thinking, but how much are we thinking for ourselves?  Lest you get defensive, allow me to explain what I mean.  With the advent of the media machine, social networking and 350 cable… 

Fear…the Silent Killer

  • 7 min read

In our frenetic world today, people have lost sight of the core essence of what it means to be a thinking, human being.  We run from this activity to that activity; we have never-ending “to do” lists; we are so so busy with our requirements, that we rarely have time to sit down and consider what is driving… 

The Secret to a Good Relationship…

  • 5 min read

Relationships come in all shapes and sizes (yes, clichés are my life!).  Relationships represent one of, if not the greatest,  component of our lives. You can’t really function as a human without some sort of relationship.  Oh, you can try, but you aren’t going to be very happy. But when it comes to relationships between men and women, we… 

The Limitlessness of God…

  • 6 min read

Do you remember when you were a kid and had that unrestrained enthusiasm for life?  You were full of hope for the future and excited about how things would turn out for you.  You believed that you had unlimited possibilities and could do or be whatever you wanted.  Then, you got a little older and… 

How to think fearlessly!

  • 4 min read

I’ll bet you didn’t know that there was a way to think properly, did you?  You would think that as “thinking” beings we would have this all figured out by now.  There’s just one problem however.  We can all think anything we want, but not everything we think is good or beneficial to us.  In…