Home » Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

Stop Opposing Yourself!

  • 7 min read

As long as thoughts play such an important and indeed life changing role in how our lives turn out, it will continue to be incumbent upon me to write about it. So much of what we think about ourselves is pure fiction; especially in regard to the undesirable and unpleasant parts. We play these movies… 

What are You Thinking?

  • 9 min read

Did you know that the answer to the question above has a monumental impact concerning how your life turns out? Human beings live and die right between their ears. What you think about and consider the most is what gets into your heart and from your heart proceed the issues of your life. Your heart… 

Cultivate a Healthy Heart…

  • 7 min read

Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow all the issues of your life. (Proverbs 4:23) Your heart, your innermost being, that great citadel of your life is formed by the thoughts you hold onto and persist with day by day. People rarely make the connection between the thoughts they entertain and… 

How To Get What You Want, Now!

  • 6 min read

  How many books have been written that purport to tell you how you can use the “power of your mind” to get something that you need?  It’s an alluring concept for sure, but one that simply isn’t true.  There is no power of the mind other than the power to choose what you will. …