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It is finished

The Old Nature…

  • 8 min read

What I’m about to tell you will literally change your life, that is if you have been struggling with trying to do “works” in order to earn God’s blessings in your life. All throughout the history of mankind a multitude of people have been caught in this trap. These are good people who care about… 

The Man in the Mirror…

  • 8 min read

There is a famous poem by Dale Wimbrow called, ‘The Guy in the Glass” and there is a famous song by Michael Jackson called, “Man in the Mirror” both focused on the judgments we assign to ourselves. The reason both works are so important is because their messages point us back to things we think… 

A Fine Line…

  • 7 min read

Many years ago, as I sat alone outside my tent in the final days of the leadership training program waiting for the Lord to show me a sign that would make clear my ministry to help people the most effectually, nothing happened except a pervasive urge to read a section of scripture over and over…