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Look on the Bright Side.

  • 6 min read

Do you remember when you were young and people told you to look on the bright side? No, not the Monty Python version. It was these deep pithy sayings that carried a lot of weight. So much depth. So much meaning, yet forever lost in a young person’s mind. Those older folks were trying to… 

Live Above It…

  • 5 min read

These are certainly some turbulent times we find ourselves in. There’s this manufactured divide with walls and beliefs and all or nothing logic; where if you are one thing you are ten things. It’s an odd time to be an American. It’s like you can see things going dreadfully south but there is nothing you… 

The Stories We Tell Ourselves…

  • 7 min read

What is reality? What is your reality? Is there a difference? It seems like the answer should be simple, right? Reality is often defined as, “the world or the state of things as they actually exist…” When we define our reality, it would seem plausible that my reality would be the same as your reality… 

Life is a Journey…

  • 7 min read

I think it is important to understand that life is a journey. Each one of us is on a grand journey of discovery. We have been given one short life to enjoy now and part of that joy comes from the experience of living. None of us have perfected it or maybe not even come… 

Life Lessons

  • 7 min read

It may not have occurred to you before, but life is a learning adventure. We have this life that we may experience and grow and learn and more often than we may think, unlearn. Living life each day affords us almost endless opportunities to learn new things. Our learning is certainly not confined to childhood.… 

Stop Running Away!

  • 8 min read

All of us have a fight or flight mechanism built into us as a function of our survival. This mechanism served to protect us from danger and to encourage our ability to procreate by producing progeny. When we sense danger our automatic reaction will be to either fight or run away. But, if you take… 

Something is Supposed to Happen!

  • 8 min read

You ever have that experience where you expected something really cool and then nothing happened? I feel like this is the experience of most Christians today. I know it isn’t God’s fault in that He would somehow be less today than He was in the past. Or, that our relationship with God is nothing more… 

Be Patient…

  • 6 min read

We live today in the culture of hurry. We want our food fast, our internet fast, our weight loss programs fast, our test results fast. We tend to seek out the quick fix, the shortcut. We don’t want to invest the time, just get it done, the sooner the better. Microwave beats stove top and… 

The Elusive Quiet Mind…

  • 6 min read

The world lives and moves amidst a persistent and pervasive low-level anxiety that permeates every thought, every action and almost every decision. You have been living with “it” for so long that “it’s” hardly recognizable. It’s sort of like this hidden specter in the background of your life, quietly, secretly whispering, ever whispering “trouble is coming” “trouble is coming…”…