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Look on the Bright Side.

  • 6 min read

Do you remember when you were young and people told you to look on the bright side? No, not the Monty Python version. It was these deep pithy sayings that carried a lot of weight. So much depth. So much meaning, yet forever lost in a young person’s mind. Those older folks were trying to… 

Good Feelings Come From Good Thoughts…

  • 6 min read

The above title may appear intuitive and certainly not worthy of a blog. However, I would have to disagree in that there appears to be a dearth of people actually making the connection. People spend the day engaged in dark, negative thoughts and then report feeling depressed. Folks run all manner of fearful considerations through… 

Good Vibes…

  • 6 min read

Much research has been done concerning the energy levels that all of us are producing. Some folks even go as far to say that our energy levels meet before we actually meet. New Agers call it vibrations and posit that higher level vibrations or frequencies attract other high energy frequencies. Higher level vibrations encompass things… 

Striving Above Negativity…

  • 6 min read

No matter how gloomy the day is, above it all the sun still shines faithful and sure. In similar fashion, no matter how gloomy our minds feel, no matter what circumstances we are facing, no matter how things appear to our senses minds, we must continue to strive until the sun reappears faithful and sure.… 

Thinking for a Change…

  • 6 min read

Did you know that your experience of life takes place almost entirely in that thinking mechanism between your two ears. Oh sure you have your senses to help you, but even then those sensations translate into thoughts. Your thoughts literally color your existence. If your thoughts are positive and helpful, they can make your life…