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The Stories We Tell Ourselves…

  • 7 min read

What is reality? What is your reality? Is there a difference? It seems like the answer should be simple, right? Reality is often defined as, “the world or the state of things as they actually exist…” When we define our reality, it would seem plausible that my reality would be the same as your reality… 

Why am I so Tired?

  • 6 min read

If you are like the rest of us, there are times in your life when you feel perpetually tired and worn out. Often we attribute these feelings to not getting enough sleep or maybe because we are getting older. But, what if there is another reason for those pervasive feelings of fatigue? What if there… 

The Masked Masquerader…

  • 6 min read

There is a mysterious force moving and thriving in the world today. That force works behind the scenes to bring about frustration, unhappiness and misery. It comes in many facades and generally goes about undetected. Almost unbelievably, it has the ability to thwart and negate even the promises of God from coming to pass in…