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overcome fear

A Stolen Life…

  • 8 min read

All of us reading this have been given a fantastic opportunity to enjoy our lives. We really only have one opportunity on this beautiful planet called Earth with which to thrive or survive. And while all of us likely want to thrive, sadly many will not. It’s not that the people surviving this experience of… 

The Absence of Happiness

  • 7 min read

Every person living in one capacity or another is on a quest for happiness. Happiness is the hallmark of all human beings. Absent happiness man merely exists. Yet for all that a man seeks for he often fails to eliminate the one thing that hinders and stymies his happiness. He thinks that happiness is something… 

Life in Your Sixth Decade…

  • 9 min read

Having just recently entered my second year in my sixth decade (happy birthday to me), I thought it might be good to reflect on the past year. Something about the sixth decade that causes you to take pause and think about things more than you have ever done in the past. Not thinking you would… 

Hey Happiness, Where are You?

  • 7 min read

Happiness is probably the most sought after thing in the world. Thus, the sum of all questing can be found in successfully answering the one simple question, “Why am I not happy?” People attribute a myriad of reasons for not finding happiness ranging from not having enough money to not having the right relationship yet… 

Is There Fear in Your Future?

  • 6 min read

It has been oft reported that  ‘fear’ is false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R.)! As I wrestled that around in the darkness, suddenly it dawned on me, all fear exists only in the future. That is precisely why fear is always false evidence, because it exists only in a time that has not yet arrived. Even…