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Just Ask…

  • 8 min read

Some many people are struggling with some aspect of their life and don’t know what to do about it. They have exhausted the bounds of their human reasoning and as such resign themselves to some difficult fate. Whether it be a physical malady or some grievous mental issue; ongoing relationship problems or just a lack… 

Be Anxious for Nothing 2.0

  • 7 min read

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog about being anxious for nothing. Basically my goal was to elucidate that it is not God’s will for us to live with, put up with or suffer with anxiety in our lives. Anxiety does not have to be something “everyone” lives with nor does it serve… 

Get to the Bottom of It!

  • 6 min read

I sometimes wonder if we have some of the problems that we have because we just haven’t gotten to the bottom of the things that plague us. We’ve been so trained, so influenced, so led to knock around on the surface of things for a little bit, then quickly move on to the next thing… 

The Happiness Quotient

  • 7 min read

Husbands just want to make their wives happy. Mothers wish above all things that their children would be happy. Therapists advise their clients to pursue the things that make them happy. Work performed by people in harmony with their heart’s desires makes them happy. Overcoming great challenges, winning in conflict, improving and succeeding all generally… 

Unpack Your Bags…

  • 6 min read

When you return home from a vacation, you know one of the first things you need to do is unpack. Oh you can leave the bags sitting there with plans to fish out the toiletries in the morning, but you won’t be very comfortable until you supply the effort necessary to unpack. Leaving your stuff…