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Hey Hopes and Dreams, Where are You?

  • 6 min read

Whatever happened to your hopes and dreams? You remember, those things you thought about when you were younger? Those grand ideas you had about being famous or changing the world in meaningful ways, what happened to those plans? Maybe the words “hopes and dreams” are just too big for you. Perhaps it’s easier to think… 

Consider Your Ways…

  • 5 min read

The aforementioned title, borrowed from a verse in the book of Haggai (in the Bible), has oft been associated with condemnation from God for having bad behaviors. This of course fits with the common erroneous notion that God is uber-interested in your behavior and somehow takes pleasure in monitoring it and finding you, wait for… 

The Madness of the Mediocre Life…

  • 6 min read

Let me start by acknowledging that every person is completely unique in their personal desires and aspirations. What success is for me isn’t success for you. That being said, there’s a huge difference between success in life and the madness of mediocrity. No-one ever grew up dreaming of being mediocre. Nobody foresaw a life of quiet desperation, feeling…