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2025 – A Year of Reconciliation!

  • 7 min read

The New Year is upon us and we enjoy that temporal landmark that offers the promise of making something better in our lives.And, if we are honest, we know it must be possible to reach the dreams we have set for ourselves. Inside, maybe deep inside, our heart tugs at us to make a change… 

Life is Short…

  • 8 min read

I know you have seen the memes. I know you have read the stories. Life is short, eat the cookies. It seems so trite. It’s something everyone seems to say. Usually used to make some allowance for this or for that. But, at the end of the day, life is short, very short. Before you… 

The Pitfalls of Passivity…

  • 7 min read

By nature I am a very passive person. Often I would rather go along to get along. I don’t seek out drama and do my best to avoid confrontations and discord. However, I have learned there is another side to being passive. While you might be successful in avoiding the uncomfortable side of life, you… 

Get to the Bottom of It!

  • 6 min read

I sometimes wonder if we have some of the problems that we have because we just haven’t gotten to the bottom of the things that plague us. We’ve been so trained, so influenced, so led to knock around on the surface of things for a little bit, then quickly move on to the next thing…