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Who is Your Subject of Focus?

  • 6 min read

Tonight I’m going to let you in on a little secret. This secret has the capacity to revolutionize your life. It is not something that is readily apparent or else everyone would know it already. It seems to fit nicely into one of life’s ironies in that it seems counterintuitive in every way. Understanding this… 

Why Am I Struggling?

  • 6 min read

There are times in your life in which you just don’t feel right. And if you are like most humans it drives you nuts. It encompasses you. It engulfs you. You find yourself drowning in it. In response to it you do what you’ve been taught to do. You analyze it and you analyze it… 

The Self-Made Man!

  • 6 min read

There’s a lot of rabble nowadays about the self-made man and how you have to live life on your own terms and the like! And though you may be overwhelmed with abilities and skills and knowledge, you’re going to struggle to win at life. Sure, you will have plenty to feel good about, but in… 

The Illusion of the Self-Made Man…

  • 7 min read

People living in the world today have a rough go of it. They spend their entire lives in conflict with an adversary they know not of, nor have any means to detect. They have at their fingertips uncountable volumes of information promising techniques, principles and solutions for every problem that could ever surface. There are rules…