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stop judging yourself

Think Well of Yourself!

  • 9 min read

I know, I know, I cannot let this topic rest. If you read my recent blog concerning ownership of your own thoughts and how you decide what it is you will and will not think about, then it is only logical that as a part of that process you would begin to see the importance… 

The Happiness Riddles…

  • 10 min read

It seems there are at least a million books that promote finding happiness, stumbling upon happiness or discovering happiness in one form or another. Many of the books, as varied as they are, approach the subject of happiness as being something you must strive to get, seek to discover or find in ways you may… 

Be Good to Yourself…

  • 8 min read

Recently, while enjoying a glorious weekend away playing golf in Palm Springs during my first ever men’s trip, I had an astounding epiphany. On the inside, in the quiet place where nobody goes but you, you are having a relationship with yourself. I know it sounds weird, but your capacity to think and consider means…