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stop waiting

Be Where You Are.

  • 6 min read

As we all continue faithfully on in our quest for happiness, it becomes apparent that much of the happiness we do not enjoy is a result of not doing something properly or else rehearsing thinking errors or even making improper use of our time. Tonight, therefore, is all about time and how you use it.… 

Happiness Deferred…

  • 7 min read

Happiness is a state of mind that all people would like to attain. For this reason, it has as many definitions because people have many, varying feelings which for them produce a state of happiness. For the sake of today’s subject we will refer to happiness as being that state of mind that is contented… 

The Pitfalls of Passivity…

  • 7 min read

By nature I am a very passive person. Often I would rather go along to get along. I don’t seek out drama and do my best to avoid confrontations and discord. However, I have learned there is another side to being passive. While you might be successful in avoiding the uncomfortable side of life, you… 

Live Your Life Now!

  • 6 min read

Maybe it’s not until middle age that how short life actually is becomes a realization for you. The time, the moments that we have are fleeting. Each moment we are in, however sublime, is a moment that is lost forever except where it lives on in our memories. The children grow up much sooner than…