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take it on

Be Anxious for Nothing 2.0

  • 7 min read

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog about being anxious for nothing. Basically my goal was to elucidate that it is not God’s will for us to live with, put up with or suffer with anxiety in our lives. Anxiety does not have to be something “everyone” lives with nor does it serve… 

Stop Running Away!

  • 8 min read

All of us have a fight or flight mechanism built into us as a function of our survival. This mechanism served to protect us from danger and to encourage our ability to procreate by producing progeny. When we sense danger our automatic reaction will be to either fight or run away. But, if you take… 

Enthusiastic Living!

  • 8 min read

Life requires energy to live it and your level of energy is connected directly to your thoughts. Children seem to have an almost unlimited amount of enthusiasm, but children also don’t waste too much time thinking about the wrong stuff. Adults do that. There is a competition that rages daily and that contest is for… 

Take Your Needed Respite…

  • 5 min read

There are times in your life when you find yourself confused, bewildered, worn out. Most people let time sort of glom together and before you know it, an hour turns into a day, a day turns into a year, a year turns into a lifetime. Instead of taking control of the minutes, handling the issues…