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Stuck in Your Story?

  • 5 min read

You are presently starring in a melodrama whereby you are the leading actor. You own all creative rights to the story because you are the playwright. You are also the director demanding that every infinitesimal part of your story be portrayed in detailed accuracy. So the grand question is, does your story suck or is it awesome? Whether we ever realize… 

Tuned to the Frequency of Love…

  • 5 min read

I would like to give you some food for thought. What I am about to say is theoretic in nature, but so likely to be true. So, instead of presenting it as the absolute truth, I ask only that you run it through your brain cells and see what connections you make. Much has been… 

You Owe Yourself…Yourself!

  • 5 min read

Fear is always wrong and there’s no learning to live with it. It’s gonna get you. Your life is certainly worth settling the matter once and for all. It’s not “just life,” it’s death working by small imperceptible steps. It may not actually kill you today, but it will kill off your enthusiasm, your excitement, your joy! And, with those things missing, you aren’t really living anyway.

…Yeah, but why?

  • 5 min read

It’s almost that time of the year when you are going to make your New Year’s resolutions. But, before you write that fanciful wish list, give this a little thought… Notice how many “goals” on your list are the exact same things you had on there last year and the year before and the year before. So logically,…