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worn out

Your Thoughts to Energy Ratio

  • 7 min read

Thoughts, like anything living and real, have energy behind them. They carry within them an inherent vigor and vitality or a pervasive lethargy and drag. One philosopher put it this way, positive thoughts and emotions emit a higher frequency while negative thoughts and emotions produce a lower and slower frequency. One manner of thinking adds… 

Get Back in the Game…

  • 6 min read

There was a time when you were incredibly enthusiastic about life. You had your dreams for the future and felt that your possibilities were absolutely endless. You woke each day excited about your future and what you might contribute to the world. Maybe your enthusiasm continues to this day. But for many, sadly, this is… 

Why am I so Tired?

  • 6 min read

If you are like the rest of us, there are times in your life when you feel perpetually tired and worn out. Often we attribute these feelings to not getting enough sleep or maybe because we are getting older. But, what if there is another reason for those pervasive feelings of fatigue? What if there… 

Are You Bored with Life?

  • 6 min read

It’s time for some interesting self-reflection. Are you ready for it? If you answered yes to the question, even secretly, then you are in the right place. If you answered no, that’s cool, but you are reading this for a reason and, it might not be what you think… I’d guess that most people equate… 

Dead Battery? Jump Start Your Life!

  • 6 min read

Nowadays it’s all about having enough energy. There are energy drinks, energy shots and 5 Hour Energy available at all of your neighborhood 7 -Elevens! The promise of giving you more energy is a billion dollar business. So that naturally begs the question, why are we all so dang tired? I mean really? What happens throughout…