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Who is Driving Your Bus? (Revisited)

  • 6 min read

There are only two basic motivators in life, love and fear. The life you are experiencing at this very moment in time is built upon the driving force behind your life. Love motivation is incapable of failing. Fear motivation, though appearing to feel safe and responsible, leads only to failure. If things aren’t going well… 

The World Needs More Nice…

  • 6 min read

As I was driving home from work the other day, I saw a billboard that said, “The world needs more Nice” and while it was likely an advertisement, it spoke a reality worth thinking about. What has gone wrong with people that has caused them to be so damn hateful? Is it the advent of… 

A Real Marriage…

  • 6 min read

I posted a beautiful little expose on marriage the other day and it was well received. It was sort of the ‘real deal’ if you know what I mean. But, despite all the kind words towards me, it was written by someone else! So, ready or not, here’s my version. Having been married now for… 

Blessed People Bless People…

  • 5 min read

Recently I came across a post proclaiming that true followers of Christ don’t need health, wealth or prosperity and that they should content themselves with Christ alone. And those statements, while dripping with religiosity, could not be further from the truth! Oh it sounds noble enough, so humble, so pious, but is that how life… 

Desperately Seeking Happiness…

  • 6 min read

I don’t know about you, but there are more opinions on finding happiness than there are stars in the sky. Some suggest that you turn your focus to yourself, prioritize yourself and choose yourself first. Others promote gratitude as the answer. A majority report it comes from doing the things you love. Many say that… 

When Life Goes South on You

  • 6 min read

Do you find yourself amidst what seems like an endless stream of difficulties? Have you suffered some recent loss which causes you to question your existence or for that matter, the existence of God? Do you feel like you are always paddling upstream and can’t seem to catch a break? Do you feel like, for reasons… 

Is There Fear in Your Future?

  • 6 min read

It has been oft reported that  ‘fear’ is false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R.)! As I wrestled that around in the darkness, suddenly it dawned on me, all fear exists only in the future. That is precisely why fear is always false evidence, because it exists only in a time that has not yet arrived. Even… 

Solve Your Anxiety Issues Already…

  • 6 min read

Living in the world today, you have likely been convinced that it is perfectly normal to have anxiety and that it is actually a natural part of life. And, although our overtly negative society has normalized and rationalized the experience, it is completely unnatural and is something you should seek to exterminate each and every… 

Sometimes You Just Have to Fight…

  • 7 min read

Recently, I found myself suffering from a physical issue I neither planned on nor expected. Being a believing believer, a self-professed son of God with power, I inadvertently found myself questioning how something like this could happen to me and further what I could do about it. I knew God’s promises to me yet continued…