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Challenge Your Assumptions…

  • 6 min read

warningCan you imagine waking up one day only to find out that many things you thought were true were actually false? What if your tried and sure method of ’cause and effect’ had effects based on unknown causes? Could it be that the images sitting right before your eyes have been manipulated to lead you and your human reasoning astray? Are all of the elements in your chain of logic, real elements? What if you challenged your assumptions? Would it change your life?

If there is one spot where us humanoids get tripped up, it’s in the assumptions we make about life. We have been so schooled to revere the information presented by “what it looks like” that we take hook, line and sinker the conclusion that has been presented for us in advance. If we live amidst a surface world alone we could confidently take things at their face value. But, what if we don’t? What if there is a whole spiritual world working behind the scenes all part of the grand drama of life? What if we are all participants in a contest, whether we know it or not, and are making decisions and drawing conclusions that will ultimately determine our outcomes? Finally, what if we had the ability to shape and form our reality instead of being victims of it?

The spiritual competition that rages day by day is a competition for the allegiance of your mind; your thoughts. What you think about, what you hold in your mind greatly influences the reality you experience. There are right thoughts and there are wrong thoughts. Some thoughts lead to good results, while other thoughts lead you down the rabbit hole of error. All right thoughts come from goodness (God) who is seeking your allegiance. He needs your cooperation to do all the good for you that He has planned. All wrong thoughts ultimately come from evil (the devil); are always cleverly disguised as logical, reasonable or realistic, and when held onto produce all manner of difficulty and defeat. The source of wrong and error also seeks your allegiance and he gains it by getting you to think and act in opposition to goodness.

People today know relatively little about the impact their thoughts have on their life. For instance, people feel there is no need for any checks and balances in their thought life. They simply think whatever, whenever, however. They aren’t able to discern a need to control their thinking and even falsely conclude that thinking cannot be controlled. You hear it with phrases such as, “My mind just won’t shut off!” The responsibility to stop thinking certain thoughts or to decide when to think certain thoughts rests entirely with you, the owner of your mind. Your mind working at cross purposes with you is in reality your failure to take the helm and draw-in the reigns when necessary.

I read the other day where a Life Coach stated that worry was beneficial because it helped you to resolve your problems. Well, here’s a newsflash, if worrying actually helped resolve problems then it would have a logical end point! But, it doesn’t have an end point because the solution lies outside of your senses driven mind, hence why it continues on and on and on. The only way to defeat worry it to stop scratching that itch! Resist the temptation to try to figure it out, you aren’t going to be successful. Worry is part of a deceptive trigger that begins with doubt, is established with worry and culminates in fear which brings the hammer of destruction to you! Worrying, like being afraid is wrong thinking coming from the wrong source seeking to bring you a wrong result! Refusing to entertain fearful thoughts is not being fanciful or unrealistic (lies) it is thinking properly and leading towards a sound mind. God doesn’t need fear to keep you vigilant or safe. Instead God needs your cooperation in thinking properly.

Though fear certainly holds the number one spot in beating people, there are other thoughts that serve only to drag you down to defeat and loss. Those thoughts are thoughts that take you out of the moment of time you are living in and either drag you back to your past or foolishly anticipate forward the potential difficulties of tomorrow. Whatever you did in the past, bad enough and terrible enough to demand space in your mind today, occurred in the past and lives on no longer except in your memories. In terms of redemption and forgiveness, Jesus Christ paid the price for every stupid or insane thing you or I ever got caught up in. Good thinking says the error is over with and should be forgotten. Wrong thinking, whether clothed in religious piety or required to pay the so-called debt, does not lead to resolution or recompense, but rather drags the owner to a slow and painful death. Guilt has no other purpose than to break down its host to further decay. In similar fashion, worries over the future complete with grand, detailed pictures of future suffering serve only to alarm the mind and from its shaken up state, lead to further miscalculations and conclusions. God can fix or repair anything! That is a good thought worth holding onto…

The optimum way to be a successful human being is to control your thinking. Think thoughts God says to think and reject thoughts that are in opposition to those thoughts. It doesn’t matter what well-rehearsed reasons you have developed for holding on to your error. What matters is if you will obey goodness and get a good result. What I’m suggesting may go against all you have ever thought and concluded. Well, good!!! Maybe it’s time some of those assumptions you have been doggedly clutching to should be given their exit! Maybe you need to rethink what it means to be realistic or practical or whatever other word you are using to justify the continuance of error!

You can live in peace with feelings of love and joy and happiness if you will learn to think how God says to think. Don’t fight any longer for error, fight for the truth instead. It feels better…

Just some good thoughts…




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