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Walk In The Light…

  • 8 min read

In order for us to learn spiritual lessons we need something in the physical realm from which we can relate. The Bible is full of metaphors. One of the most important comparisons involves light and darkness. The light represents goodness and God while the darkness represents evil and the devil. Darkness can always be understood as simply the absence of light. In the dark things are scary and unknown. In the light things are clearly visible and understood. The simple solution to living in the darkness is to turn on the light. Similarly, it is the absence of light that causes the most problems for people. The spiritual darkness that we face cannot be discerned in the physical realm, yet it can be understood by its comparisons in the physical arena. People suffer in this life because of the darkness and the only real solutions are found in the light. Add to that the ruler of the darkness of this world is extraordinarily crafty and deceptive as none of us would willingly choose the dark when light is available. Yet some folks spend their entire lives in darkness completely unaware of any alternative. In order to prevail in this life, you have to find the light. In order to find the happiness and success you desire and live above the darkness, you have to learn how to walk in the light.

Any negative experiences you have ever had in this life come from the darkness. Darkness, as the absence of light, will always contradict the promises of God’s Word. You can tell when the darkness holds sway over you by the things you are saying and doing. Negative people, never born that way, become so by deception. Absent the light of the Word they are defenseless against a wicked and cruel opponent. The darkness takes advantage of you by the things you do not know and worse by the things you think you know but don’t really know. Every fear there ever was came from the darkness. Every disease, every sickness, every struggle finds its roots in the darkness. When we find ourselves in the darkness and make no mistake we all have at times, we have been convinced of things that are not true. How many people in this life wake up everyday with nothing to look forward to in their lives? How many people limp along absent any enthusiasm or excitement for living? How many good folks find themselves going through the motions? The darkness is so pervasive that we think it is a normal way for people to live. Instead of expecting and looking for the goodness, the light, we find ourselves scouring around every corner waiting for that old, familiar difficulty and trouble. Even our enjoyments are tainted by what could happen next. When the good times do appear, we worry they won’t last and look for the wrenches in the works. Somebody or something did this to us. This is not the life God intended for us. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we want to find God we have to look in the light as that is who He is.

Truth is never complicated and hard to understand. The apparent complexity comes from error. Error works feverishly to add in confusion. It promotes that there are too many options and many of the options would still work just fine. When in reality there are always only two options, darkness and light and you are walking in one or the other. We walk in the darkness by listening to a thousand opinions about truth when there is only one truth. The truth is the light we need and when we find it, it illuminates our path. Only the light exposes the darkness. The light makes the obscure things clear. The light shows us our folly and the foolish things we have believed to be true. Accordingly, all suffering is the result of things that aren’t true or the influence of those lies and what is behind them assaulting us. Error works best by first convincing us of something that isn’t true, then getting us to persist in it to our own detriment. Sure the circumstances we face are real and the threats are palpable. Yet none of those circumstances or threats can prevail against us if we cleave to what is true. When challenged, we have to find our way back to the light. Dwelling on the darkness, living in the darkness, complaining about the darkness does only one thing. It guarantees we will remain in the darkness. And as the great Teacher taught, “dwelling on the darkness won’t bring forth the light.” Yet how much life do we surrender by considering, thinking over and trying to figure out the darkness? We so desperately want to solve it, to overcome it, to resolve it, but we fail because as long as we keep walking in the darkness it will not go away. The solution is never understanding the darkness, but rather turning on the lights. Darkness is spiritual and you are not going to figure it out. How can you, it is a spiritual reality. But, you can stop trying to figure it out and simply turn on the light. You turn on the light by getting yourself to God’s Word which is light. Jesus himself never argued with the devil. Instead he quoted the Word which is light and the light backed off the darkness. Turn on the light.

How can you know when you have been walking in darkness? Simple, your life sucks! Living each day in perpetual negativity and cynicism won’t get you to the solution. Sure the struggle stinks and at times the competition is difficult. Yes you will be challenged and at times even perplexed. You will stumble and fall. Your opponent has had thousands of years to perfect his craft. But all of his deception and irritation is still no match for the light. You walk in the light by paying attention to the thoughts going through your mind and then comparing them to what is true. What does God’s Word say about the challenge you are facing? You walk in the light by thinking what is true and letting go of all that isn’t true. Carrying around in your mind and heart every mistake you have ever made is walking in the darkness. The past, your past exists only in your memory. Let it go. Jesus Christ paid the price for every looney tunes thing you ever got caught up in. If he paid the price for you, why are you persisting in remembering it and rehearsing it? What profit have you ever gained by focusing on your own humanity, your own foolishness, the times you zigged when you should have zagged. Rehearsing that stuff never makes you better and you know that. Let it go. You walk in the light by focusing on what is good. Stop thinking things that aren’t good and instead focus on the promises of God. Look for and anticipate the blessings. I get it. You have a serious challenge and you need an answer. Well, you will never find your answer over there in the dark. God is not in the dark as He is light. You will find Him in the light. Don’t add complex formulas or endless world wisdom. Just turn on the lights!

When you learn to walk in the light, life changes for you in dramatic fashion. Light is a game changer! The light, God’s light will expose every dark crevice in your life and reveal to you the real issues. God is not here to criticize you or condemn you. He has already seen your whole life through. Instead He is here to love you and help you and bring you to that glorious place you have only dreamed of living in. Light has no downside. Light is what you need the most. Light is the life you have heretofore only imagined. Start walking in the light and experience it for yourself. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

Just some good thoughts…


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