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Take Back Your Energy!

  • 8 min read

This whole thing we call life is all about energy. Each of us have a certain energy we bring into situations. How about good vibes and bad vibes? Some people you meet carry a certain attractive energy that is appealing to us. Other folks have a negative energy that not only gives us bad vibes,… 

Your Thoughts to Energy Ratio

  • 7 min read

Thoughts, like anything living and real, have energy behind them. They carry within them an inherent vigor and vitality or a pervasive lethargy and drag. One philosopher put it this way, positive thoughts and emotions emit a higher frequency while negative thoughts and emotions produce a lower and slower frequency. One manner of thinking adds… 

I Hope You Dance…

  • 6 min read

I came across these beautiful lyrics today and was tenderly reminded that no matter where your life may be heading with its twists and turns there is always hope for a wonderful future. And, much of what has happened to you in the past exists now only in your memory and even that is often… 

What Do You Think?

  • 6 min read

It’s interesting during these times of increased uncertainty and fear that there would also be an increase in depression. Depression by its very nature refers to the act of lowering something or pressing something down. You don’t start with despondency, you arrive there. If you have ever been depressed, you know how terrible it is… 

Ummm, How’s Your Energy Lately?

  • 6 min read

When you boil it all down (pun intended), life is all about energy. Life functions or does not function based on energy. Everything gives off something. Some things in life serve to increase your energy, while other things tend to deplete that energy. You can feel energized and excited about life or you can feel… 

DNR ~ Diminished and Reduced…

  • 5 min read

I see depressed people. I see them everywhere. You can easily spot them by their lowered vitality; their lack of activity; that dimness in their eyes. They think that is just how life is and have settled into an existence that isn’t painful but isn’t pleasant either. They have unknowingly become diminished and reduced and… 

Tuned to the Frequency of Love…

  • 5 min read

I would like to give you some food for thought. What I am about to say is theoretic in nature, but so likely to be true. So, instead of presenting it as the absolute truth, I ask only that you run it through your brain cells and see what connections you make. Much has been… 

Dead Battery? Jump Start Your Life!

  • 6 min read

Nowadays it’s all about having enough energy. There are energy drinks, energy shots and 5 Hour Energy available at all of your neighborhood 7 -Elevens! The promise of giving you more energy is a billion dollar business. So that naturally begs the question, why are we all so dang tired? I mean really? What happens throughout…