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Take Back Your Energy!

  • 8 min read

This whole thing we call life is all about energy. Each of us have a certain energy we bring into situations. How about good vibes and bad vibes? Some people you meet carry a certain attractive energy that is appealing to us. Other folks have a negative energy that not only gives us bad vibes, but if persisted with brings down our energy level to match it. Even parts of the country have a vibe. Cities tend to have a frenetic energy while less populated areas have a slower energy. Nature, unmolested and pure, carries with it a healing energy that helps us put things back into place. Homes even have a certain energy which sometimes becomes apparent the moment you walk through the door. Love, whom God is, has the highest energy while doubt, worry and fear have a much lower energy. Whether you call it energy or else a vibration a.k.a. vibe, or something more technical and hard to define, the essence of life is energy. Thus it becomes our responsibility to watch over our energy levels and not allow circumstances and things and other people to succeed in lowering our energy. Sometimes we may even need to do something internally to take back our energy. I say internally because that is really the only thing we can control in this life. In order to remain blessed sometimes you need to take back your energy!

Undoubtedly the greatest determiner of your energy levels are the thoughts that run through your mind. Certain thoughts suck the life right out of you. Thoughts of fear and worry drastically steal away your energy reserves leaving you a lesser version of yourself. And to make matters worse, it’s hard to solve problems or even address them when your energy levels are low. This is why when you are confronted with a problem or a challenge, the first thing to do is get yourself calm and peaceful. You are not going to find God in your turmoil because He doesn’t live there. Remember the saying, “the greatest cargoes of life come in over quiet seas?” The metaphor refers to being quiet inside so you can hear what you need to hear. In this world, we are challenged with threatening scenarios and seemingly impossible situations. This happens to all people. But, if you can calm yourself down, talk things over with God, settle down inside, you can get the answers and solutions you seek. One way to take back your energy is to change what it is you are allowing into your thinking and make no mistake, you are allowing it. Sometimes this is as simple as refusing certain thoughts. For heaven’s sake, stop running that dreadful scenario through your mind. Massaging those thoughts, considering those thoughts, entertaining those thoughts never, ever, ever help you find solutions, ever! Instead they entangle you in a web that becomes harder and harder from which to escape. And, sadly, while you are in the middle of your false attempt at problem solving, your vital energy that you need to win in life, is being stolen from you. The first place to take back your energy is in your very own mind.

Another culprit for energy loss comes via other people. It is again not so much about the people as it is what the other people are leading you to think about. We, and I speak for myself as well, let other people control us and steal our energy by the importance we give to what they say. Honestly, everyone doesn’t get to us or we would be a miserable wreck. Instead it happens with people whom we care about what they think. Maybe it is your wife or husband. Maybe it is one of your siblings. Maybe it is your parents. Maybe it is your boss at work. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with caring about what people think, that is unless it is causing you a negative, energy lowering impact. People are just that, people. They have their own agendas and troubles and dramas. Often you aren’t the source of their dramas, but you may receive the brunt of their feelings. This is when you have to be sharp and decide what you will and will not allow. Maybe your boss at work is being unreasonable and grossly unfair. Most likely they are under some pressure as well. But, you cannot allow them to control how you feel. Please read that again! Here you sit ten hours later still rehearsing what the boss said and coming up with your own defenses and arguments when they have long forgotten about what they said. They are not the worse off because of what they said, you are. They dumped their negative energy on to you in the moment and now your energy, indeed your happiness, is now being postponed while you wade through your own emotions. Again, people are just that, people. What they say and do you cannot hope to control, but you can control what you think about whatever they said. Why give them that power over you? What is the worst they can do to you, fire you? Yet, here we are full of consternation over something they said in a heated moment of time. You take your energy back by refusing to let other people define who you are.

Ultimately, and this is likely no surprise to you, that negative energy drain originates in the spiritual realm. The forces of evil can only have their dastardly way with you when you cooperate with them in not controlling your thinking. Sometimes the circumstances you face and the damnable people you are challenged with are being manipulated by those negative forces. Nothing that happens to you in this life is happenstance. It has all been carefully arranged and schemed and planned to bring about a certain reaction from you (and me). You aren’t really fighting with the people, though it sure feels like you are. People are just people and half the time aren’t even thinking about what they say. It happened to Peter (Bible reference) and it can happen with them too. The same applies to circumstances. You give in to a negative portrayal and all of life seems to point towards it. Yet, what things look like and what the circumstances are screaming at you are not the reality of a thing, unless of course you buy into it and cooperate with it. In this, you have to have a standard of truth outside of what you think or are concluding. You have to cleave to what is true though the whole world seems to say it is not true. You can’t go by your feelings, you go by what God says is true. You can preserve a whole lot of energy by making the decision that what God says is true, is true no matter how things appear to be. You take back your energy from evil by cleaving to what God says is true.

There is a solution, God’s solution to everything that has ever happened to you. With God nothing is impossible. God can restore, heal, renew, refresh, solve anything. The real crux of the matter is what you believe to be true. You maximize your energy level for this life by believing what is true and refusing what is not true. Yes you will be tempted. Yes, at times you will be defeated. Yes, you are going to have your share and more sometimes of troubles and difficulties. Yet, you can still win. You can rise above it. God is living energy and at times He will impart that energy to you. He will cause you to stand when it seemed like you would fall. He will energize within you when you need it most. You take back your energy by tapping into God’s energy which far surpasses anything old split toe can throw at you. And, the greatest energy you can tap into is love for perfect love casts out fear. Love God, love people, indeed love yourself and see for yourself the great power of love. Nothing can overcome love because God is love. Take back your energy with love. It never fails.

Just some good thoughts…


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