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Walk In The Light…

  • 8 min read

In order for us to learn spiritual lessons we need something in the physical realm from which we can relate. The Bible is full of metaphors. One of the most important comparisons involves light and darkness. The light represents goodness and God while the darkness represents evil and the devil. Darkness can always be understood… 

Don’t Lose Your Enthusiasm…

  • 7 min read

I don’t know if it was a moon cycle or the wrong crowd, but everyone I passed by the other day exuded palpable despair. It was like they were walking, but not really alive. You could see in their eyes that all of the life had been sucked out of them. And it wasn’t just… 

Hey Happiness, Where are You?

  • 7 min read

Happiness is probably the most sought after thing in the world. Thus, the sum of all questing can be found in successfully answering the one simple question, “Why am I not happy?” People attribute a myriad of reasons for not finding happiness ranging from not having enough money to not having the right relationship yet… 

Stop Being Such A Little B**ch

  • 7 min read

Forgive my title, but something has happened to us as a people; as a nation. Whether it be the media, politics, cancel culture, the Internet, too much access to too much information, or whatever, something has moved in and caused us to be afraid of literally everything. There was once a time, it seems, when… 

Enjoy Your Life…

  • 7 min read

When you are a young person, you cannot wait to get older and do the things that adults can do. When you reach adulthood, you quickly learn that being an adult carries with it some responsibilities you hadn’t really thought all the way through. You take on those responsibilities and begin to figure things out.… 

Is It Working For You?

  • 9 min read

I often wonder, what’s the point of being a Christian if your life is just like everyone else’s life. I mean think about it. Surely there is a benefit, indeed many benefits to having a relationship with God and if there aren’t any tangible benefits, maybe we are doing something wrong. For many, it seems… 

I Don’t Know…

  • 7 min read

The three most feared words (or four if you don’t like contractions) in the human vocabulary. God forbid we should ever have to utter these words as doing so would certainly yield a cataclysmic result. It seems to be the last thing ever a man or a woman wants to admit. Yet, in all fairness… 

Get Back in the Game…

  • 6 min read

There was a time when you were incredibly enthusiastic about life. You had your dreams for the future and felt that your possibilities were absolutely endless. You woke each day excited about your future and what you might contribute to the world. Maybe your enthusiasm continues to this day. But for many, sadly, this is…