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Be Where You Are.

  • 6 min read

As we all continue faithfully on in our quest for happiness, it becomes apparent that much of the happiness we do not enjoy is a result of not doing something properly or else rehearsing thinking errors or even making improper use of our time. Tonight, therefore, is all about time and how you use it.… 

Cleaning Out Your Closet…

  • 6 min read

The reason you stay stuck, mummified in the past, is because you choose to do it. You choose to hold onto the memory. The event, no matter what it was or how dreadful it was, exists only in your memory. The future terror you rehearse day after day exists only in your mind and will cease the moment you choose to make it cease! Clean your closet; make room in your closet; free up your closet to store the things of today.

Be…….. Present.

  • 5 min read

Misery, like happiness doesn’t just show up unexpected. It shows up based on what preceded it. And, what precedes it is the moment called, ‘now.’