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What are You Thinking?

  • 6 min read

Now you know as the world’s foremost purveyor of the importance of thought, albeit self disclosed, the topic of thought has always intrigued me. It is literally the difference between a good and a bad life. It is the only thing in this world that you can control. It is the gatekeeper to your heart… 

Life Purpose?

  • 8 min read

I have been working with a close friend lately on a project that helps people to connect with what is most important in their lives. Part of that process involves figuring out your life’s purpose. That, my friends, is a very deep concept. I say deep because it requires you to peel away all of… 

Walk In The Light…

  • 8 min read

In order for us to learn spiritual lessons we need something in the physical realm from which we can relate. The Bible is full of metaphors. One of the most important comparisons involves light and darkness. The light represents goodness and God while the darkness represents evil and the devil. Darkness can always be understood… 

Mental Health Musings…

  • 7 min read

Mental health has become a popular topic nowadays. People are becoming more and more aware of the importance of their mental health and how it positively or negatively affects their lives. It might surprise you to know that as long as there have been human beings, mankind has endured mental health problems. As thinking beings… 

Win the Day!

  • 6 min read

Have you ever felt worn down like maybe you have run out of energy? Or maybe you are having a good day and something comes up apparently out of nowhere that seems to zap away your strength? Perhaps you just feel bored with life and can’t seem to find anything that turns you on. These… 

Dealing With Your Feelings

  • 6 min read

It is peculiar to me that something that affects our life as much as our emotions do, would be the subject of greater education and study. It’s like we all grew up with this menagerie of feelings, yet seldom have we learned to understand what those myriad feelings are communicating to us. Most people, it… 

Yeah, But What Do You Think?

  • 7 min read

I’m not sure if it’s politics or the ease of getting information or the advent of social media, but it seems more and more that people have stopped thinking for themselves. Maybe there’s nothing new under the sun. Maybe all original thought has already been thought. Perhaps we have reached such a grand stage of… 

Better Days…

  • 6 min read

It’s funny how life is at times. You sort of go along to get along and adapt yourself to the times and conditions, the best you can. Crazy things happen and continue to happen and you somehow figure out a way to cope with it. Often, you find yourself endeavoring to compartmentalize and where possible,… 

Be Patient…

  • 6 min read

We live today in the culture of hurry. We want our food fast, our internet fast, our weight loss programs fast, our test results fast. We tend to seek out the quick fix, the shortcut. We don’t want to invest the time, just get it done, the sooner the better. Microwave beats stove top and… 

Check Back In…

  • 6 min read

Many people living today aren’t quite living anymore. They’re sort of half in and half out. You can see it in their eyes, the revelation of their souls. Something has happened to damage their heart, not fatally, but enough to dim their glow and diminish their passion for being. They only half participate with life…