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Problem Solving – You Dig…

  • 6 min read

People often find themselves drawn to a standstill by some problem or problems they cannot find a way to overcome. These are the deep issues in life that have no quick fix or simple remedy. People unknowingly end up struggling with these issues for years and years, sometimes over a lifetime. Underneath every obstacle that… 

To Do or Not To Do…

  • 6 min read

There’s a false assumption circling the earth that life is basically a neutral experience, meaning that if you do good, good will happen and if you do bad, bad will happen. If you want to be happy you have to do the things that make for happiness and if you choose badly and select the… 

The Self-Made Man!

  • 6 min read

There’s a lot of rabble nowadays about the self-made man and how you have to live life on your own terms and the like! And though you may be overwhelmed with abilities and skills and knowledge, you’re going to struggle to win at life. Sure, you will have plenty to feel good about, but in… 

Make Yourself a Priority…

  • 6 min read

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking here comes another admonition to make yourself number one in a culture already deluged in narcissism and love of self above all else. Forget about other people and their needs because it’s all about you! Yeah those people do exist, but I don’t think they are a majority.… 

Clear Eyes…

  • 6 min read

There are times in our lives when we see with such unremitting,  unobscured clarity; so grand and beautiful in its detail, so positively helpful and inspiring that we find ourselves awestruck, grateful and wishing for more. The sudden jolt of an unexpected answer to a long-held question or being at last able to slice through… 

Controlling Yourself to Happiness…

  • 6 min read

The paradox of all paradoxes occurs when something that appears contraindicated leads to exactly what you are looking for in life. Happiness, often maligned and dismissed or over-exalted and worshipped, is found in control, not in letting loose; in reigning in, not in unbridling; in checks and balances, not in removing the boundaries. The good… 

Check Back In…

  • 6 min read

Many people living today aren’t quite living anymore. They’re sort of half in and half out. You can see it in their eyes, the revelation of their souls. Something has happened to damage their heart, not fatally, but enough to dim their glow and diminish their passion for being. They only half participate with life… 

Birthday Blog #57

  • 6 min read

As I reflect back on another trip around the sun, I cannot help but be filled with great thankfulness and joy for the sweetness that surrounds me in this life. As a youngster in college, a generous and loving man reached out to me and introduced me to God. I should say more formally introduced… 

Getting Your Peace of the π…

  • 6 min read

“There’s a peace in this world that the world never gave; a peace it cannot take away. Though the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I’ve a peace that has come here to stay…” The peace that passes all understanding is absolutely not dependent upon the circumstances of life. It is not something…